Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Western Christian Paideia (WCP)

 The Western Christian Paideia (WCP)

 I’ve been watching some of the ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.  Some of the participating soldiers are still alive.  These soldiers of the 1940’s were 18 and 19 year olds, led by 21 year old lieutenants and 24 year old captains.

 Now, this age group, consisting of seemingly intellectual and educated students and professors, wrap keffiyehs, shemaghs and Palestinian flags around themselves and take part in antisemitic protests.  And this is just one manifestation of an anti-American, anti-establishment, anti-religious movement that has corrupted our youth and American life in general. Ask many modern “twenty-somethings” about their beliefs and interests, and their response is some vacuous paean to progressiveness-based selfishness and self-absorption.

 Major Pete Hegseth writes about how our educational systems have been hijacked by so-called "progressives", who knew that they could not remake America in their own image until they had radically reshaped the culture of the nation. They could secure themselves key positions in Washington, the media, the major industries, and even the universities, but if they could not find a way to seize the reins of education at the grade school level, they would never be able to accomplish their long-term agenda.

 But to do that, to take control of K-12 education, they would first have to remove the one obstacle that could stop them: the Western Christian Paideia (WCP).

 Paideia, a Greek word that means both instruction and enculturation, was invented by the ancient Athenians who knew that they could not preserve their democracy without passing down their culture to morally self-regulating citizens who could think logically and act nobly. They accomplished that goal through an educational system steeped in tradition that shaped its pupils in accordance with universal standards of reason and virtue.

 Hegseth posits that our American Paideia, or WCP, that sustained us through Normandy and WWII into recent times has been eroded away by this modern secular progressivism, that has led to the vacuous selfishness of modern young adults.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 6, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Trump Trial

Trump Trial

 Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA, and Juan Merchan, acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court, are not dummies.  They did not just fall from the turnip truck.  They are both well educated, well experienced democrat operatives in the left-wing New York State court system.  

 A Trump backer can cry “fix’ and “kangaroo court”, without attempting to appreciate the nuances and fine points of the ”novel” case that was woven around Trump.  It takes an ingenious legal mind and some legal legerdemain, to breathe life into a misdemeanor which was past the statute of limitations, and “Frankenstein” it into 34 as yet undefined felonies. And then convince a jury to convict a past President of the U.S. for the first time, choosing from a smorgasbord of several crimes.

 A trump hater can opine “got the bastard”, and “no one is above the law”, and applaud this legal effort without appreciating the impact that it has on the system of justice in NYS and the country.  Targeting an individual rather than a crime is straight out of the Soviet or Chicom or banana republic playbook. Persecuting an individual without naming a crime may be OK in some twisted NYS courtroom, but it would hardly even play in Moscow or Beijing.

 A couple of further thoughts:

Has Trump’s big mouth and combative attitude talked himself into a jail cell?  This guy Merchan is a “hanging judge”, as he has shown several times.  He has been an enemy of Trump and his minions.  I would not put it past him to throw Trump’s ass in Rikers for a spell.

 Many people blithely opine “well it will be reversed on appeal”.  Where, - NYC? Albany? SCOTUS?  When, - by 2028?  Also, remember, Merchan is not a dummy.  He may be a democrat operative, but he is an experienced judge.  He has not left glaring holes in the case. Just because some dislike his verdict does not mean that it was not legalistically valid.  An appeal may not be that easy.

Ray Gruszecki
June 4, 2024