Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thrashing and Gnashing of Teeth

Thrashing and Gnashing of Teeth

I know I said I’d shut up, but the continuing rancor against a legally elected populist president just continues unabated.  The country is divided, as it has been before after past elections, but this continued barrage by the amassed left wing liberal clique is beyond belief.  The “no we won’t all get along” tweets, sanctioned by an ostensibly responsible pundits like Charles Blow are a case in point. The riots and looting on our streets by left wing thugs are another.  The sedition preached by proponents of “sanctuary cities” that hide criminals and defy future federal law is another egregious example.

Liberals/progressives should have chosen a more viable candidate, although that may not have been possible in light of the dissatisfaction with the machinations of the Washington crowd over the last eight years.  Suck it up and act like adults, all you screaming, foot stamping, spoiled children.  The country needed a reset from the irresponsibility, corruption, laisser-faire approach to governing and law: and from the cloying political correctness of the last eight years.

The contention is that Hillary won the popular vote.  Neglected is the fact that without California, Trump won the popular vote in the rest of the country by 2 million votes.  California does not rule the country.  The people that voted to end the nonsense in Washington do.  

Trump has never been my favorite person.  But one thing I’ve observed about him through the years, that he is a pragmatic and no nonsense executive.  Also, he does not take anything on that he won’t be successful at.  He also is a showman that got a tremendous amount of free TV and air time and exposure by virtue of his sometimes outrageous statements.  He spent a tenth of what his opposition spent, took on the massive, powerful liberal establishment, including an incumbent government and popular president – AND WON.  Unfortunately the liberals took him literally as regards his outrageousness, but didn’t take him seriously as a candidate, right from the start.  I can still hear the din of the loud, derisive laughter when some of his supporters said that he had a good chance of winning.

I have to believe him when he says that he did this for the good of the country.  Why else?  He certainly has all the wealth and power he’ll ever need.  The White House and Air Force One are a step down for him when it comes to creature comforts.  Why endure a year and a half of a grueling political campaign to then take on the toughest job in the world?  He says it’s to make America great again.  I have to believe him.

And I’m also sure that he will continue to prevail against the left wing forces massed against him.  Conflict with the biased media over air time and content?  No matter. He uses Twitter or Youtube to talk to the people of the country directly.

Trump is a phenomenon and I understand some fears.  Like Berlusconi in Italy he is an extremely wealthy and powerful figure even before the presidency.  He leans toward Nationalism and Nativism.  His politics are not defined.  He has taken on both political parties as part of the Washington establishment.  However he can make deals and what is politics if not deal making at the national and international level?  Also, we have checks and balances, although with predominantly Republican House, Senate and State legislatures, these will be in his favor.

At any rate we have him for four years (and most likely eight years) irrespective of the thrashing and gnashing of teeth in opposition.  Let’s get used to it and realize that our country will change and become less soft as regards ours borders, applying our laws and perhaps we will be not as kind and gentle as we have been.  Most likely this will all be mitigated by the next Liberal torch bearer, but what we have now is Trump.

November 24, 2016
Ray Gruszecki

Sunday, November 20, 2016

More Ramblings on the Election, Trump et al

More Ramblings on the Election, Trump et al

I am an American patriot.  Always have been, always will be.

I’ve lived a long time, back through the Second World War.  As I come to the final years of my life, I’ve become somewhat introspective.  A year or so ago I undertook to research and blog a list of moral and ethical issues that are important in our world, and how I stood on these issues.  My research was long on facts, and short on anecdotal views.  I modified my views on several key issues.  In a nutshell, I found that I was more Libertarian in nature than I had thought.  You can read my rather lengthy blog by googling my name, Ray Gruszecki.  I won’t bore you by repeating the blog, other than highlighting a couple of key points.

My heritage is Polish-American.  My background is blue collar middle class from New England, and hence, originally FDR Democratic.  I have been a Republican from age 17 or so, onward, but have voted for Democrats on several occasions.  For Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater in 1964 (In my mid twenties, I thought Goldwater was appallingly too right wing).  For Ann Richards as Governor of Texas in 1990 after her opponent Clayton Williams joked that a rape victim should just “lay back and enjoy it”.  I would have voted for Jack Kennedy in 1960, but I was disenfranchised in both Massachusetts and New Jersey when I moved to The New York City area.  The rest of my voting career has been pretty much straight Republican

I am a pragmatic conservative with some libertarian leanings.  I reluctantly voted for Trump, and primarily against the corrupt Clinton cabal.  There wasn’t much there to choose from folks.  The other choices were Gary Johnson, who couldn’t remember what and where Aleppo, the largest city in Syria was, and Jill Stein, a raging left-winger, who made Bernie Sanders look like Sean Hannity.

I have always considered myself a “pragmatic conservative”.  I believe in personal responsibility, that we are responsible for our own actions and well-being.  I believe in helping others who are less fortunate by providing the wherewithal for them to improve their own lot.  This means a “hand up” rather than a “hand out”.  I am proud of America, and have never been apologetic about being an American, no matter where in the world I lived. I won’t go on about American conservatism or libertarianism or liberalism there is plenty available on the internet, and tomes have been written on those topics.

I would like to comment briefly on the recent election result.  I’ll try not to be offensive or controversial, but my personal honesty comes first.

First, the media.  - What can I say? They all unabashedly backed Clinton rather than reporting the news (except Fox), and they were all woefully wrong, as were their vaunted polls.  Now they are back pedaling and justifying and figuring out who to throw under the bus.  They all should be ashamed, but they won’t be, because they are part of the corrupt and dishonest cabal that won’t go away, and that the voters in this election rebelled against.  The media will continue to support “cry ins” and demonstrations against an election that expressed the voice of the people.

Then, the Obamas and all of their Washington minions.  Try as they may toward the end of the race, they failed to put glitter and shine on the corrupt and inept Clintons.  The same can be said for the free concerts by numerous pop stars brought out, presumably to popularize the Clintons and energize the millennials.

Next, all the rest of the liberal elitist thinkers, plotters, intelligentsia, professors, newspapers, liberal bloggers and others – all so badly wrong. And all of this amassed agglomeration of so called intelligence was unable to accurately gauge the true will of the people.  They were so blinded by their own distorted view of their own touchy-feely and politically correct importance, to see the forest for the trees.  One way of categorizing it is by calling it Brexit 2.  Unfortunately, the election didn’t end the lies and bias.  Just turn on CNN, NBC, ABC. CBS and read the New York Times for more of the same slanted news.

Trump, Clinton, Obama – So far they have all acted with responsibility and grace.  Let’s hope it continues.  At some point Obama and our current government needs to rein in the rioters and looters before something serious happens.  There have been virtually no pro-Trump or right wing demonstrations, although the biased media rolls out individual incidents perpetrated against minorities as if these single events represented a more general movement.  There have also been reports of left wing groups trying to frame Trump voters, and also reports of left wing paid looters and rioters.  A timely warning might be to “remember that these deplorables that these riots are against do indeed have their bibles and guns”.

Clinton wins the popular vote – according to the New York Times, as of November 17, she won the popular vote by about one million votes.  She won California by about 3.1 million votes.  Hypothetically, taking extremely liberal California out of the mix, Trump won the rest of the country, including New York and Illinois, by about 2.1 million votes.  We know where ultra-liberal California’s sensibilities are.  Doing this exercise shows where the rest of the country’s preferences are, in addition to the 306 electoral votes Trump won.

Who voted for Trump? – An analysis on the Pew Research report on the election shows that Trump did very well across the “rust belt, but did not really do much worse with the voters that the massed so called “experts” said would be his demise, i.e., women, blacks and Latinos.  It also shows that Hillary failed to energize these same voters, that were to be her bulwark.  A closer look also shows that the few percent that Johnson and Stein accumulated had a massive effect on the final result. I’ve heard commentary by responsible media people (Chris Matthews of MSNBC, if I remember correctly), comment on The crowds amassed at the Trump rallies,  Not only the large numbers, but also the nature of the very enthusiastic attendees.  Flannel shirts, jeans, work boots _  “my God, most of them are Democrats”.

The Pew study also shows that Trump did very well among non-college graduate white voters, and with evangelicals.  This has already been seized upon by the amassed liberal cabal described above, that Trump was elected by “white trash uneducated white men”, and by the “deplorables holding on to their guns and bibles.  While true that Trump did do well with these groups, the study also shows that Trump also did reasonably well with college educated men and women, with blacks and with Latinos, particularly in Florida.  Hillary failed to resonate with the groups that were supposedly solidly in her camp.  She did not improve with women, blacks, Latinos and college educated voters over what Obama did in the last two elections.  It is obvious, that even among these normally pro liberal groups, Clinton was a flawed candidate.  She carried simply too much baggage, too much lawbreaking and getting away with it, too much corruption, too much collusion with special interest groups, too much elitism and smugness, too much cloying political correctness from the Obama years.

And what about Trump’s reason for running?  One thing that can be said about him is that he has lived 70 years without being a politician, has been very outspoken and not very careful about his verbiage.  He was only running for political office for a little over a year, and his loquaciousness and gregariousness certainly did not diminish.  In fact it seems to have increased as part of a plan to stay on top of the news because of his outrageousness.  It appears that some of this outrageousness came from his reality show and Hollywood years.  He turned serious and reasonable as the presidential race drew to a close, reflecting his education and long business experience.

He obviously was a high living, brash, promoter, playboy and ladies’ man for many years, owning his own palatial apartments and homes, planes, helicopters, yachts, etc.  In terms of creature comforts, Air Force One and the White House are downgrades for Trump.  So why expose himself to the abuse and vituperativeness of a year and a half of political campaigning, followed by the toughest job in the world?  I believe we have to acknowledge that he saw this country in dire straits and decided to do something about it.  It seems that just doing it for the power would not be worth it. So I think we have to accept his patriotism.

What now?  The media hasn’t changed, as I mentioned above.  Trump is working on his cabinet and tweeting occasionally on his activities and mostly against the false coverage by the NYT and other media.  Maybe some of these media will shape up and become more truthful now that they have someone as powerful as Trump vetting them, but let’s not hold our breath.  The media collectively continues to be anti-Trump, pro law-breaking rioters and looters and a continuing divisive force in the country.  Hey, it’s time to shape up.  Voters in the country spoke on election night.  It’s time to support the President-Elect and not try to second guess his appointments or back protests or sign petitions against him.  Not that these media actions will have much impact on Trump.  They didn’t during the election, and they won’t now.

It’s interesting to see the activity in the Congress and amongst other Washington insiders.  He doesn’t owe them anything and they don’t know what he is yet, other than a populist phenomenon that won the presidency.  Of course the Congress don’t owe Trump anything either, so that sort of equalizes things.  Remember Trump was a Democrat once and has expressed Democrat, Republican and Libertarian sentiments in his mostly self-financed run to the top.  Also, no one really knows if any of the outrageous points he made during the election are real, or mostly election rhetoric.  So far he seem to have taken a measured approach as regards his transition team, (notwithstanding Steve Bannon), and is acting quite presidential in other ways. 

I heard Bob Woodward, famous for Watergate, a Democrat and liberal, and currently an associate editor of the Washington Post at a luncheon at the Belo Mansion in downtown Dallas recently.  From my notes on Woodward’s comments on Trump (whom he has interviewed) - Trump likes to bring out the rage in people.  Trump prides himself as the Lone Ranger, meting out old fashioned Western justice.  Trump has great velocity and ferociousness.  However Woodward feels Trump’s leadership will be pragmatic, not dogmatic.

Obama recently spoke in Greece and Germany and commented on the new President Elect.  Now Obama is quite intelligent and a very good orator. He is a nice guy – personable, charismatic, witty, charming.  His approval ratings are in the mid 50 percent range even though he has mismanaged or failed to manage both our domestic and foreign affairs.  Lack of any apparent foreign policy is one glaring defect.  Obamacare here is a social and economic disaster.  The Iran nuclear deal is a foreign policy disaster.  Yet he is popular, probably primarily to the younger set because of the attributes listed above, handsome, personable, witty, etc.  Obama’s comments in Greece and Germany were nicely stated, as many of Obama’s speeches are.  While he didn’t criticize Trump directly, his admonition that Trump become serious as president reflected the same old liberal smugness and superciliousness that our electorate found so stifling in Hillary.  Obama seems taken with his own empty, rock star popularity, to the exclusion of his deficiencies.  Another quote from Bob Woodward after interviewing David Cameron of the UK several years ago, Cameron opined  “Obama is a nice chap, but no one in the world is afraid of him”  -  i.e. no one in the world respects him, or the U.S.  Unfortunately, Obama views the world as he would like it to be, not as it actually is.

What can I say further about the amassed media and news manipulation apparatus in the country?  They haven’t missed a beat, (well maybe a little one early morning November 9th, when they realized how woefully wrong they and their polls were).  They continue to smugly criticize and try to second guess the President Elect and his cabinet choices.  They continue to echo what they posit as humanitarian concerns which actually mask the same cloying liberal “holier than thou” attitudes that the country voted against. They can’t seem to absorb that the real down to earth people of this country have had enough of the Northeast and West Coast elitists telling then what to do, how to think and ridiculing their morals, ethics and religious beliefs.  And this same liberal elitist cabal goads on the rioters and looters hiding as lawful protesters in our streets.  They also support the “cry-ins”, safety pin zones and other maudlin responses to a lawful election, rather than calling for calm and rational responses to what is to many of our young people a life disappointment.

Some further thoughts.  The whole world has become and is continuing to be less restrictive and more liberalized with time.  This is an obvious and measurable trend.  Some recent examples in our own society are legalization of marijuana, increased acceptance of same sex marriage, legalized gambling and many other such activities that were once prohibited or off limits, and are now legal and acceptable.  Simultaneously, the “thinkers” and “elitists” of the world have posited morals, ethics and behavior which reflects this liberalization and which fosters secularism, globalism, political correctness and socialism. This thinking has been inculcated in our universities, media and intelligentsia to the point of becoming ubiquitous and pervading the mores of our centennials, millennials, gen x-ers and, particularly university graduates.  This same elite group comprises the people with six figure incomes in our economy who partake of their five dollar lattes, send their kids to private schools and otherwise live an abundant life.  Left out of this eclectic mix are the remainder of Americans, not only those in the rust belt and fly-over country, but also many others who have seen their jobs disappear, their morals eroded, and their values ridiculed by the elitists on both coasts.  Try as they may, they are economically moribund,  many times with second tier jobs with two wage earners, while the powers in Washington tell them how low unemployment and the crime rate are, and how great Obama has made the country.  They don’t see it, their life sucks, - and along comes Trump, identifying with them and offering to “make America great again”.  Of course they voted for him in such substantial numbers.  Something needed to be done, and here he was to do it.

A similar reaction is taking place in Europe.  The UK leaving the EU is one example.  Other examples are the Euroskeptic populist parties in virtually every European country.  I made a survey about six months ago of the various European countries comprising the European Union and found the same kind of dissatisfaction in Europe as in the U.S.  See my blog.

I believe that the Trump reset here and similar ant-establishment actions in Europe are temporary.  They will not stem the tide of liberalization across the world, but they will give us an opportunity to take pause and review our values and where we are going, hopefully with some positive impact.  We certainly will not revert to some form of repressive tribalism.  Simply, too many people have smart phones for that.  But Trump and his administration for 4 or 8 years will give us pause, give us time to rethink some of our values, and perhaps establish some guidelines that are a little less wishy-washy than the completely permissive and otherwise moribund government of the last eight years.

November 20, 2016
Ray Gruszecki

Monday, November 14, 2016

Post Election Thoughts

Post Election Thoughts

A couple of headlines caught my eye in this Sunday’s edition of the Dallas Morning News, which I once thought to be a fairly well balanced newspaper with mildly conservative leanings, but which lately seems to have joined the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe and other left leaning liberal rags.

One front page headline said “”Experts predict how Trump will fare in D.C.”

I couldn’t help thinking how we should be reading with baited breath what these “experts” said, because they were so accurate about this political race and election, that we all should really attune ourselves to their opinions.  Apparently there is no end to the arrogance and cynicism to these establishment liberal talking/writing heads.

The other news item read “Clinton: FBI chief caused her defeat”.  How “clintonesque”.  Never accept responsibility.  Blame someone else.  Thank God we don’t have to put up with that for the  next four years.  Just one example – she lost Wisconsin.  Her last visit to Wisconsin was April of 2016.  Trump’s last visit was the Sunday before the election, to the derision of the assembled liberal establishment against him.  But of course Hillary’s loss was Comey’s fault.

It is also evident from press and other media coverage, that the liberal establishment cabal is back. One can see it in how they fail to condemn or even accurately report on the rioting and violence in our streets that is “protesting” what? – A democratic election result?  By lawlessness, rioting and violence?

Obama won’t do anything about it, but he should get off the golf course and at least make one of his empty pronouncements.  Based on his past record, though, he probably will fail to say “no” to the lawbreakers.

It is also evident in how this liberal cabal continues to treat the saintly Hillary, and the demon Trump, by bringing out and polishing his none all too politically correct past peccadillos. 

The leaders and principles in our government so far seem to have acted with some grace concerning this most divisiveness of political races.  The liberal establishment, particularly the left leaning media really need to rein in their pundits, talking heads and other minions, and stop fueling the big divide in our country, 

The people that voted Trump in voted on a wave of protest against the likes of the lawlessness taking place on our streets for no valid reason.  So far there have been virtually no counter protests, but how long will it take for the anger amongst the electorate to manifest itself against these ill guided “protesters”?.  And remember, many of these “deplorables” have their guns and bibles!

I pulled the following from the Internet so I can’t take credit for it.  It does express the feelings of many voters who voted against the status quo.

“I'm going to let all you upset Hillary supporters in on a little secret. To those of you questioning now how you will ever be able to raise a child in a world full of hate and bigotry, saying this election has provided even a further wedge in our nations divide, etc. Donald J. Trump will not come into your home and teach your children real values and morals, you will. He will not hold your hand and walk you down the street and tell you to smile when you pass a stranger, you will. He will not teach your children to not see color, gender, nor disabilities, you will. He will not teach your children to be open-minded toward others beliefs, views, and opinions, you will. WE are the ones that shape our communities, WE are the only ones that can solve this racial divide, and WE are the ones that can really make the difference in our lives, our childrens lives, and each others lives.
But, some things he will do is clean up this mess of a tax system, healthcare system; strengthen our military, back the black & blue, support our vets, bring jobs back, strengthen our borders, and sustain our given rights as Americans. All so that you CAN raise a child in a safe and great America. The rest is up to you, and up to US as Americans. The days of handouts, the blame game, and participation trophies are officially over, take on responsibility for your behaviors. Be an adult.
Now...Let's HELP make America GREAT again!!!"
These are not all my words! But they are millions of people's feelings.
Mature adult”

November 14, 2016
Ray Gruszecki

Friday, November 11, 2016

Comments on Trump’s Victory

Comments on Trump’s Victory

 There are several universities that are offering grief counseling to millennial students to help them with the trauma of the loss of the election by Hillary Clinton and the resultant win of the presidency by Donald Trump. This is one of the results of our increasingly liberal/progressive thinking and education.  You can’t blame the kids,  They don’t know any better than to identify a life disappointment as something to be treated as a major upheaval to be addressed by counseling, rather than as something that life offers up to be lived through.

Today is Veteran’s Day, and I just put out my flag.  I can’t help thinking that millennials in my parents’ generation (and in mine) were also offered some form of counseling. It was for trauma from war, which was called “shell shock”, for those of you who remember. (Called PTSD later).  In the mid-20th Century, those 17, 18 and 19 year old kids were fighting real life bloodletting battles against dire physical enemies – Nazism, Fascism, later Communism, and not imagined political bogeymen.  Their psychological impact was real, from seeing their compatriots killed and maimed in front of them, rather than reaction to a political disappointment.  How perceptions change, or are educationally catered to change over a few generations.

 We love our kids, and they should not have to endure the wartime hardships their parents did, but we should be raising educated and adjusted human beings, not a bunch of maladjusted crybabies.  I don’t think that those that fought and died for our freedoms envisaged our kids going to universities that would indoctrinate our millennials with the shopworn and time disproven doctrines of Marx, Lenin and Stalin.  Yet our whole university system is decidedly socialistic. Our universities churn out liberal/progressive clones that seem incapable of balanced thought and reasoning. We defeated communism in some places, and were defeated by a determined communist population in Viet Nam.  Communism died of its own weight in the old USSR, and it changed to be barely recognizable in China.  At any rate, communism and its socialist offshoots are defunct, discredited ideologies.  

 You wouldn’t think so though, after seeing how our left liberal educated millennials flocked to that acknowledged old Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders.  Bernie promised them the old communist/socialist saws – something for nothing, and pay for the something by stealing from the true producers in the society.  Free college tuition, freedom from college debt, and “the rich” will pay for it – sweet music to naïve young ears.  What Bernie and later Hillary did not tell them that when the piper has to be ultimately paid for all this “free” stuff, the result is a stifling, choking mediocracy of society.  One only has to look at many European countries, where the same back lash is occurring that brought Trump to victory in this country.

 A true wonder is how a candidate like Donald Trump could win the presidency.  Not that he is the demonized “prince of darkness” or devil incarnate defined by the same media that lied about all other aspects of the election, but because how heavily stacked against his candidacy were so many aspects of American society.  The president and his minions, and virtually the whole Washington political establishment were against him. Virtually all major newspapers were against him (including my own Dallas Morning News, which I barely forgave).  All major media other than Fox were against him.  Virtually all so called intelligentsia were against him.  Pretty much 100% of university thinking was against him.  All the special interest minority and lifestyle groups were against him.  The above societal elements, (which I will collapse semantically as the “liberal/progressive elite”), radicalized women, blacks and Latinos against him (or tried to, as it turned out).  He did not help his own cause by his own outrageous pronouncements and tweets about women, minorities, trade agreements and other topics normally not broached in a presidential campaign.

 So how did he win?  He won by sensing early the undercurrent of dissatisfaction within the people of America and appealing directly to the people.  He created a movement and this spoiled, wealthy celebrity playboy somehow managed to identify with so many real life working people.  He stressed that he was an outsider and flew in the face of the elitists massed against him.  His outrageousness kept him and his candidacy a top news item for much of the campaign.  He spent a fraction on paid media coverage of what the Clinton group did.  He didn’t have to – he was at the top of the news every day.  His speeches and tweets were directly to the people, and not just sound bites for the media and press.

 Obviously the people heard.  Not the few dazzled by Clinton’s pop stars. Not the inveterate conventional Democrat voters (who almost eviscerated themselves by attacking Bernie).  Not the “presstitutes” and liberal academics.  The people heard - the ones who do the work, whether in factories or in offices or in hospitals or in schools, or in so many other productive capacities.  And Trump drilled it home, directly to the people, in the face of the liberal elites and the Washington establishment.

 The people that responded to Trump’s message were the working professional and blue collar families who worked their 40-50 hours per week, many times with two wage earners, who could not seem to get ahead, no matter what.  If they still had decent jobs, they had not seen real wage/salary increases in years.  It was their jobs that relocated to Mexico or China, leaving them with second tier, low paying jobs.  They continued to work the long hours.  They saw the abuses in our society, the breeding “welfare moms”, the lawless movements that killed cops and demanded special privileges from society, the increasing toleration of drugs and other moral aberrations in our society.  They saw their values, religion, morals and ethics ridiculed by the liberal elite cabal.  They saw our country, the one our forefathers fought and died for, being made a laughing stock by an apologetic and do nothing government in Washington.

 Enough was enough.  Hillary represented a continuation of this unacceptable status quo, and in fact was coupled with the exact abuses of power that was causing our national and international morass.  Trump may not have been the most ethical and moral individual himself, but he was a plain talker and was aware of and addressed the main concerns.  Even more importantly, he was an outsider, a businessman, not part in any way of the existing system.  The Republicans need to thank him for running as a Republican.  He most likely could have won on his own, and the Republicans could have lost both houses of Congress.  One can also speculate how far Bernie Sanders could have brought his Democratic Socialist movement, which appealed to many of the same disaffected Americans and nearly all of the millennials, if the DNC and Hillary’s minions didn’t sabotage his campaign.

 Leveled against Trump by the Dems and the “liberal/progressive elites” were labels like “sexist”, “racist”, “misogynist”, “homophobe”, “fascist”, “megalomaniac”.  While possessing some elements of truth culled from Trump’s long background in New York real estate and in the celebrity limelight, these epithets were embellished and levelled by the same entities that were so wrong about all the other aspects of this election.  His response throughout the campaign was that he would work for ALL AMERICANS who loved this country, were here legally and were law abiding citizens.  He eschewed illegals, terrorists and potential terrorists and other criminal elements in our society.  His “locker room talk” in a Hollywood style venue was broadcast by the Dems/Libs to the world.  Suddenly, the Dems/Libs produced many women who claimed that he sexually abused them in the past.  Trump continued campaigning and none of these attempts to discredit him made any difference, perhaps because of the amateurish nature of how they were presented, perhaps because the electorate was inured by a constant barrage from WikiLeaks, of Hillary’s email based real crimes and indiscretions. 

 How could the media, and particularly the vaunted polls, have been so wrong?  I wrote blog months ago about drinking the biased media Kool-Aid.  It still pertains.  The discussion above of how skewed nearly all aspects of society were against Trump gives some insight.  After a while, they believed their own biased lies, and those fed by the liberal/progressive elite establishment. Attempts to find some balance during the election cycle inevitably led one to Fox or Newsmax or Breitbart, but accessing these gave one the feeling of being badly skewed the other way.  One poll, the USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election "Daybreak" Poll consistently showed actual trends in the population rather than the biased trends fostered by the liberal/progressive elites.  Trump and Kellyanne Conway and company followed their own data, which told them that Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and the middle of the country were in play. The liberal/progressive elite establishment called them crazy when Trump went to Wisconsin the Sunday before the election.  What is amazing is that how many so called reputable polls could be so blatantly wrong.  Their trends seemed correct.  They just had to be shifted about 5% toward Trump.

 Another aspect of Trump’s campaign was the enthusiastic crowds at his rallies across the country.  He would pack in 20,000 or 30,000 people with SRO and people waiting outside.  The conventional media pooh-poohed these crowds and said they meant nothing.  “Only the polls count” (sic)

  In another vein, it is not to say that all of Trump’s pronouncements should be taken at face value. The wall and having Mexico pay for it seems a bit of a rhetorical embellishment.  So does deporting 12 million illegals. So does excluding legal immigration based on religion.  These sound good when emphasizing abuses, but need to be examined in the cold clear light of day.  It is obvious that we need to secure our borders.  If a wall is the answer, so be it.  It is also clear that we need to do something about the 12 million illegals in our country.  This means provide a legal path to absorb them, or expel some of them.  More closely scrutinizing potential immigrants? – That goes without saying in our terrorist prone world.  A review of trade agreements?  - Absolutely if we are getting screwed by existing ones – may hurt some of us in Border States, but that’s the price to pay.  Beef up our military? - Absolutely after the debilitating cuts of the last eight years.

 For many of us old types who remember the transition from Carter, and 52 American Embassy prisoners held by Iran for 444 days, to Reagan and their immediate release, this is a bit of déjà vu.  America’s name was dragged through the mud by fumbling, if well intentioned Democrats in the 1970’s.  It was restored and reburnished by Ronald Reagan, originally an actor.  He was a, president that knew how to hire the right people, listen to them, and make us all proud to be Americans again.  Let’s hope Donald Trump can do the same and truly give our country the reset in so badly needs.

Ray Gruszecki
November 11, 2016