Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump, Republicans, The Media

Recent accusations against Donald Trump concerning past sexual activities, and his vehement denials have resulted in lower and lower poll numbers in the 7 or 8 so called battleground states, those states he needs to win to get anywhere near the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency.  The campaign has degenerated into concerted media attacks on Trump and his belligerent responses to the biased media.  The topics have become whether Trump kissed and groped various starlets in the past, rather than trade, terrorism, jobs, the economy and the Clintons’ past criminal proclivities

Trump was a businessman, and an entertainer, and yea, a playboy in the mold of what that meant in the 60’s and 70’s.  Off color speech, kissing and groping seem to be the worst of the worst that he has been accused of.  In this time of political correctness, no one condones such forward actions toward women and the braggadocio surrounding such activities.  However they do not make Trump the devil incarnate as espoused by the NYT and Michelle Obama and others of their political ilk.

We have heard Trump’s sophomoric comments about the easy access of women in the entertainment business on a You Tube clip released by NBC as an obviously pro-Clinton “October surprise”, and to detract from real content – the emails that Julian Assange released at the same time.  Several women from his past have also, suddenly this October, accused him of “kissing and groping”.  Not rape.  Nothing he has been legally accused of – “kissing and groping” are his unpardonable sins.

I cannot continue in good faith without referencing the hypocrisy around this topic vis-à-vis both Clintons.  It has been well established over 50 years that Bill Clinton has been a sexual predator that has assaulted and raped numerous women, not only “kissed and groped.  Hillary has indeed “stood by her man”, or by her accomplice, by threatening and persecuting these same victims.  What unmitigated cynicism and disregard of moral principles (and the law)!  This is only one example of moral, ethical and legal infractions.  There are many, and the allegations against Trump, even if they are true, being brought out by the Clinton campaign this late in the election, literally pale by comparison.

Not to say that Trump is some model citizen.  Not being a politician for most of his life, and forged in the crucible, first of privilege in New York City society, then of the rough world of New York real estate development and construction, and then of Hollywood and the reality shows, one can hardly expect him to be a model of behavior and decorum.  He is rough and tumble, brash and lewd – and he has seized upon these characteristics as part of his public persona.  His private life, as evidenced by his offspring seems to be another story.

His movement is comprised of working Americans; not just Larry the Cable Guy types, but also honest, straightforward and proud Americans who are fed up with the political correctness and ineptitude and inactivity which have made our country nearly laughable at home and abroad.  They are not upset, like some liberal elitists purport to be, when someone, in a locker room and Hollywood oriented environment says “pussy” and does not refer to their cat. (In fact sometimes the reference is to the president and his minions).  They have heard it all and seen it all in their normal work environments, whether in the business towers of Manhattan, or on our jobs, or in our schools, or in graphic TV programming that we Americans are assaulted with every night (and not only by CNN, the Clinton News Network), but by our TV programming in general.  What we experience in the work place or see on TV is certainly as bad, and sometimes much worse than anything that Trump has said or done, notwithstanding Michelle Obama’s attempts to demonize him, and to make him the poster boy for true evil in our society.

We don’t have to watch TV, and some of us don’t.  Personally, I do not watch reality shows, I do not need to live vicariously in a fictional world.  I do watch other TV, much of it from Europe.  I feel that I need to keep up with the times.  (Although I do not watch commercials, so I feel like I’m missing some small part of Americana).  The content of our U.S. TV programming is not much removed from Trump’s trailer comments or his “kissing and groping”, if any.

It is also conveniently forgotten or just not acknowledged by our terribly biased media, that historically, the Republican Party are the ones who freed the black Americans and then later enfranchised them.  The Republicans also enfranchised women early last century.  Don’t take my word, research the votes by Congress and the States on these topics.  See below. Yet Republicans are made by the liberal elitists to be the bad guys.  Ask anyone who truly freed and enfranchised the slaves, and enfranchised women.  I’ll bet the response you get are “the Democrats”.  Thank you, CNN, ABC, NBC, NYT, Time Mag and all you biased left wing media!

The ferocious and vituperative barrage against Trump and his movement by the media in this country is way beyond the pale.  I understand that it is meant to mask the Clinton disregard of the law over the years, and I understand that this is payback for Trump’s posture of not adhering to the “good old boy” backroom politician’s and media diktats, but it has to be obvious to any thinking voter that this constitutes a gross violation of media ethics.  Trump and his followers at rallies are lashing back at the media bias and dishonesty.

After reading Dinesh D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America”, my first reaction was that it blamed the Democrats for all of the ills perpetrated on the country for the last 250 years.  It was clearly biased!  But in retrospect, it was not any more biased than CNN or MSNBC or the New York Times when “reporting” on Trump. IMHO, we need a Dinesh D’Souza to shake up our political thinking, and we need a Donald Trump to reset our government.

Trump is not a model citizen, nor a model candidate.  If I am going to condemn him for anything, it is how he continues to drag the campaign and the party, to unforeseen depths.  Shut up Donald!!  He just has to fight every accusation, no matter how absurd and inconsequential, and bring the campaign to depths never before seen.  Concentrate on the current issues and on traditional Republican values, like support for women and support for blacks - supports that have been co-opted by the liberal elitists in spite of the historical record, - a strong economy,  pragmatic trade, immigration, law and order and anti-terrorist policies.

To the liberal or progressive elitist, and to the millennial, schooled in the same vein, Republicans are the bad guys when it comes to racial equality or women’s rights.  Not true in history.  This is only a sad fantasy in minds that have been turned by lies and untrue rhetoric.  Some links:

 Democrats. Republicans and women’s rights:

Democrats, Republicans and slavery”

Back to Trump.  I don’t like him, but I despise the other side more because of their crimes and their contempt for decency and the law.  Unfortunately the weight of the opposition stacked against him, particularly the media and, including some in his own party, does not bode well for Trump and the Republican Party at this point.  Pity our Republic under the corrupt and lawless Clinton machine, who have committed such egregious and cynical crimes, and more, in the past.

Ray Gruszecki
October 14, 2016

Trump's Audio Tape Issues

I’m inclined to write when I observe what I consider to be abuses or aberrations in thought and action on various topics.  I normally hang with professors and philosophers and scientists, and our arguments are of a more esoteric nature.  However, my origins are humble, and I have lived a long time, and in many venues.

The latest item that I feel has veered completely out of balance concerns the unbelievable uproar in the country over some private comments of an explicit nature that Donald Trump made over ten years ago in a sexually oriented Hollywood environment. We are ready to disenfranchise this abusive individual, revoke his candidacy and revile his very standing in our community.  He has been attacked by pundits, politicians, newspapers, actors and actresses and nearly all people that temper our opinions in the country. 

He has been made to be a truly evil man, and his evil far outweighs his opponents small peccadillos, - four dead Americans in Benghazi, 33,000 destroyed emails, Clinton cash, lucrative deals with Wall Street bankers, abetting sexual abuses by spouse and then attacking the victims, inveterate opportunism and cynicism, and on and on and on.  But the Donald’s transgressions by virtue of his audio comments of ten years ago are far more egregious.  So the elitist opinion makers have decreed.

Has anyone actually listened to what Trump said?  I sought the whole episode out on Youtube to hear for myself the horrors said to have been perpetrated on our daughters and wives and womankind in general.  What I heard were some sophomoric comments about the ease with which women in the entertainment business could be approached by someone who was wealthy and had sexual smarts.  The language was in the vernacular, but I did not hear solicitations to the devil or other dark powers.  I just heard some stupid locker room braggadocio that most of us males had heard in the past in one form or another.  (And I’m sure similar is heard in female locker rooms , as well).

Yet the brouhaha caused by this private citizen’s inappropriate comments ten years ago have the country in an uproar.  Why?  Could it be that the same biased media that has run rampant with other Trump mal mots and faux pas has set out to really put it to him this time?  Attempts to do so in the past have never worked for very long.

Trump will not play CNN’s or NYT’s or Hollywood’s or even Fox’ games, so polls and “who won the debate” numbers have less meaning than in a normal election.  And he certainly has provided a lot of ammunition himself for the liberal elites to attack him.  However, the Trump candidacy is a movement, and he has a following that cares not what is stacked against him by the opposition.  They have heard it all before, including crude boyish reference to body parts in this 10 year old audio tape.  They are still with him.

Having said all that, the constant and ferocious attacks by the politically correct liberal elitists of various stripes cannot fail to erode some of Trump’s support in even the few flyover swing states that Trump needs to get his 270.

I am not a big Trump supporter, but the alternative is anathema to me.  The country needs a reset.  Unfortunately it may be Trump, with his controversial personality.  Let’s hope he hires the right people, like Reagan did.

Ray Gruszecki
October 9, 2016