Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump's Audio Tape Issues

I’m inclined to write when I observe what I consider to be abuses or aberrations in thought and action on various topics.  I normally hang with professors and philosophers and scientists, and our arguments are of a more esoteric nature.  However, my origins are humble, and I have lived a long time, and in many venues.

The latest item that I feel has veered completely out of balance concerns the unbelievable uproar in the country over some private comments of an explicit nature that Donald Trump made over ten years ago in a sexually oriented Hollywood environment. We are ready to disenfranchise this abusive individual, revoke his candidacy and revile his very standing in our community.  He has been attacked by pundits, politicians, newspapers, actors and actresses and nearly all people that temper our opinions in the country. 

He has been made to be a truly evil man, and his evil far outweighs his opponents small peccadillos, - four dead Americans in Benghazi, 33,000 destroyed emails, Clinton cash, lucrative deals with Wall Street bankers, abetting sexual abuses by spouse and then attacking the victims, inveterate opportunism and cynicism, and on and on and on.  But the Donald’s transgressions by virtue of his audio comments of ten years ago are far more egregious.  So the elitist opinion makers have decreed.

Has anyone actually listened to what Trump said?  I sought the whole episode out on Youtube to hear for myself the horrors said to have been perpetrated on our daughters and wives and womankind in general.  What I heard were some sophomoric comments about the ease with which women in the entertainment business could be approached by someone who was wealthy and had sexual smarts.  The language was in the vernacular, but I did not hear solicitations to the devil or other dark powers.  I just heard some stupid locker room braggadocio that most of us males had heard in the past in one form or another.  (And I’m sure similar is heard in female locker rooms , as well).

Yet the brouhaha caused by this private citizen’s inappropriate comments ten years ago have the country in an uproar.  Why?  Could it be that the same biased media that has run rampant with other Trump mal mots and faux pas has set out to really put it to him this time?  Attempts to do so in the past have never worked for very long.

Trump will not play CNN’s or NYT’s or Hollywood’s or even Fox’ games, so polls and “who won the debate” numbers have less meaning than in a normal election.  And he certainly has provided a lot of ammunition himself for the liberal elites to attack him.  However, the Trump candidacy is a movement, and he has a following that cares not what is stacked against him by the opposition.  They have heard it all before, including crude boyish reference to body parts in this 10 year old audio tape.  They are still with him.

Having said all that, the constant and ferocious attacks by the politically correct liberal elitists of various stripes cannot fail to erode some of Trump’s support in even the few flyover swing states that Trump needs to get his 270.

I am not a big Trump supporter, but the alternative is anathema to me.  The country needs a reset.  Unfortunately it may be Trump, with his controversial personality.  Let’s hope he hires the right people, like Reagan did.

Ray Gruszecki
October 9, 2016

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