Monday, November 14, 2016

Post Election Thoughts

Post Election Thoughts

A couple of headlines caught my eye in this Sunday’s edition of the Dallas Morning News, which I once thought to be a fairly well balanced newspaper with mildly conservative leanings, but which lately seems to have joined the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe and other left leaning liberal rags.

One front page headline said “”Experts predict how Trump will fare in D.C.”

I couldn’t help thinking how we should be reading with baited breath what these “experts” said, because they were so accurate about this political race and election, that we all should really attune ourselves to their opinions.  Apparently there is no end to the arrogance and cynicism to these establishment liberal talking/writing heads.

The other news item read “Clinton: FBI chief caused her defeat”.  How “clintonesque”.  Never accept responsibility.  Blame someone else.  Thank God we don’t have to put up with that for the  next four years.  Just one example – she lost Wisconsin.  Her last visit to Wisconsin was April of 2016.  Trump’s last visit was the Sunday before the election, to the derision of the assembled liberal establishment against him.  But of course Hillary’s loss was Comey’s fault.

It is also evident from press and other media coverage, that the liberal establishment cabal is back. One can see it in how they fail to condemn or even accurately report on the rioting and violence in our streets that is “protesting” what? – A democratic election result?  By lawlessness, rioting and violence?

Obama won’t do anything about it, but he should get off the golf course and at least make one of his empty pronouncements.  Based on his past record, though, he probably will fail to say “no” to the lawbreakers.

It is also evident in how this liberal cabal continues to treat the saintly Hillary, and the demon Trump, by bringing out and polishing his none all too politically correct past peccadillos. 

The leaders and principles in our government so far seem to have acted with some grace concerning this most divisiveness of political races.  The liberal establishment, particularly the left leaning media really need to rein in their pundits, talking heads and other minions, and stop fueling the big divide in our country, 

The people that voted Trump in voted on a wave of protest against the likes of the lawlessness taking place on our streets for no valid reason.  So far there have been virtually no counter protests, but how long will it take for the anger amongst the electorate to manifest itself against these ill guided “protesters”?.  And remember, many of these “deplorables” have their guns and bibles!

I pulled the following from the Internet so I can’t take credit for it.  It does express the feelings of many voters who voted against the status quo.

“I'm going to let all you upset Hillary supporters in on a little secret. To those of you questioning now how you will ever be able to raise a child in a world full of hate and bigotry, saying this election has provided even a further wedge in our nations divide, etc. Donald J. Trump will not come into your home and teach your children real values and morals, you will. He will not hold your hand and walk you down the street and tell you to smile when you pass a stranger, you will. He will not teach your children to not see color, gender, nor disabilities, you will. He will not teach your children to be open-minded toward others beliefs, views, and opinions, you will. WE are the ones that shape our communities, WE are the only ones that can solve this racial divide, and WE are the ones that can really make the difference in our lives, our childrens lives, and each others lives.
But, some things he will do is clean up this mess of a tax system, healthcare system; strengthen our military, back the black & blue, support our vets, bring jobs back, strengthen our borders, and sustain our given rights as Americans. All so that you CAN raise a child in a safe and great America. The rest is up to you, and up to US as Americans. The days of handouts, the blame game, and participation trophies are officially over, take on responsibility for your behaviors. Be an adult.
Now...Let's HELP make America GREAT again!!!"
These are not all my words! But they are millions of people's feelings.
Mature adult”

November 14, 2016
Ray Gruszecki

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