Wednesday, January 18, 2017


                                                WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

Where is the outrage? Where are the media cries? The same left wing cabal that has been denouncing Trump from the outset now is attempting what appears to be a coup to keep him from taking office. Trump is not a big favorite of mine, but honesty and fairness is.

Ultra liberals like Jill Stein and Elizabeth Warren tried a recount in some battleground states. The result – some 160 additional votes for Trump in Wisconsin. Can you imagine the hue and cry if Clinton had won the Electoral College and Steve Bannon and Ted Cruz attempted the same sort of recount in some states? They literally would be pilloried, if not crucified.

Where is the media indignation and disapproval of attempts to intimidate state electors to not vote for Trump by threats of physical harm? Again in the reverse this would be met by liberal rioting in the streets by hired thugs similar to what happened just after the election. Rather than violence by Trump supporters against minorities (a few incidents did indeed happen), what we have is violence by bigoted liberal thugs against little old ladies who voted for Trump, and now against even against state electors. What a deplorable (sic) bunch!

And what about cries of Russian hacking and the implication that this somehow invalidated the election? All that was revealed by Wikileaks was more details about Hillary’s crimes and indiscretions. Let’s remember how Hillary blasted Trump and called it “horrifying” when he said that he would wait to review results before accepting them. Also, let’s have no doubts that our NSA, Russia, China, Germany, France and all nations these days engage in some form of cyber hacking and related espionage. Nearly gone are the humint spies like Mata Hari, Aldrich Ames and others. They have been replaced by mathematicians and banks of parallel computers culling information from data banks all over the world. Proving that Russians specifically hacked our elections any more than normal data mining activities may prove to be quite difficult.

And the left wing media barrage is relentless! Talk about false news! Reading just about any of our once vaunted periodicals results not in news about the transition of power but instead a biased, negative, critical view of Trump and his emerging team. Trumps cabinet choices? Same results from the media, negative, critical, insulting. Did they expect him to choose the same type of weak liberal wusses Obama appointed?

The country is divided and fears about the populism and nationalism of Trump & co. are real. Some liberals talk about the “F” word – Fascism, without knowing too much about it, other than loose associations with Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. If one wants to be super critical of Trump, he is more comparable to Berlusconi of Italy than to the socio-economic anti-Communist Fascists of the last century.

We have checks and balances embedded in our government, and whilst the executive’s powers have increased in recent years, they are nowhere near dictatorial, nor likely to become so. Let’s give this guy and his government a chance, and stop trying to pull him down before he even gets into office. Not that he really gives a damn about the biased media attacks. Just look at what he overcame to be elected.

Ray Gruszecki
December 17, 2016

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