Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Anger and Hatred

Anger and Hatred

So what are our disaffected coastal elites and other liberals/progressives resisting, obstructing and sometimes resorting to violence about?  There is a judiciously legislated temporary stay still in effect on Trump’s immigration restriction and there are still protests at the airports.  Do these people know what they are protesting about?  It seems to be just anger and hatred. The stock market is at record highs and U-3 unemployment is low.  U-6 Underemployment is still high, but this latter affects mostly the flyover country who voted for Trump and not the six figure latte sippers who voted against him.

Altruistic liberals/progressive say “it’s not only about filthy lucre, it’s about our American values”.  (Of course they’re not sitting unemployed or flipping burgers in Youngstown, Ohio).   And unfortunately, these so called supporters of American values pervert these very values by the actions they take against free speech by resorting to and supporting rioting, violence and property destruction, as recently happened at Berkeley and NYU and against Betsy DeVos in DC, and continues to happen in our streets, airports and public places.

Another great concern about the Trump administration is the continued use of executive orders and memoranda to change the course of the country.  Charges of “dictator”, “fascist” and other derogatory epithets abound.  Do they not remember that Obama weaponized this sort of executive action with his “I’ve got a pen” statement?  Also can we not remember how impossible it was to criticize any of Obama’s actions?  Attempts to do so would be immediately met with charges of racism.  It seems that anything goes against Trump, including attacks on his family, even though all first families have been spared abuse in the past.  How does attacking the ten year old son of the president and ridiculing the English speech of his wife preserve American values?

It’s this sort of continuing hypocrisy that is making some of us, who are not such great fans of Trump, apologists for him.  It’s also this hypocrisy that is turning even more Americans away from these “resisting” liberal coastal elitists.  And the Democrats and liberals continue to shoot themselves in the foot by their obstructionism and hypocrisy and perversion of our values (like free speech).  Instead of healing their party, which is on the verge of becoming a strident, obstructionist minority nonentity, they continue to rip it apart further by immature and ill-conceived emotional reaction against the personality of the president.  And that is a shame because loyal opposition of the issues is a mainstay of our democracy.  But we have no loyal opposition.  We have instead this constant beating, visceral hatred against the people leading our government.  Issues are of little import.  Hatred based on personalities is what we see in our opposing coastal liberals.  Just read the NYT opinion pages and watch CNN for a while for  confirmation of this.

After a while anyone seeking balanced news, and not just support for their own views, can see after watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and after reading the New York Times, Washington Post, and other liberal rags, that these news sources are almost commercials for the liberal left.  Trump has brought them to task and stressed their bias to the public.  And the public is not stupid.  They can see the slanted so called news, and either eschew these sources or take them with a grain of salt.  It is no coincidence that Fox News consistently outstrips its competition in the TV ratings wars.

We’re becoming a leaner, meaner, more nationalist country.  This is no surprise.  It’s what was promised and what the country voted for (and spare the popular vote bit, the country is not run by a California plurality).  We may need to give up some of our dearly held government programs.  Some of our values will be affected.  Others will be strengthened.  Not all of us will be happy.  But it seems that we have a dynamic, if flawed, leader.  If we can get congress to advise and consent rather than obstruct, and to pass pertinent reform legislation to either support or limit the executive, the country can’t fail to advance for the good of all.  They should do similar for the judiciary.  A full Supreme Court vetting the executive and legislative process has to have long term benefits for our country.

Hopefully this hatred of Trump and his government will subside and we can get back to real issues.  There are rational voices in the democrat party.  Unfortunately these are not Pelosi, Schumer, or grandstanding hot heads like Elizabeth Warren.  If the democrats can get back to being a loyal opposition party rather than an instrument of insurrection, we may indeed be able to accomplish a lot for the America we all love.

Ray Gruszecki
February 14, 2017

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