Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Cultural Issues, Socialism, and the Democrats

                                  Cultural Issues, Socialism, and the Democrats

Anyone who loves this country and follows what is happening to it cannot fail to be alarmed.

President Trump, for all his unique personality, egotism, buffoonery and braggadociousnesss, has done, and is trying to do right for the country.  Other than the raw tweets and rhetoric, Trump seems to a reasonably well balanced and moderating chief executive.  He is hated by the more and more leftist/democrat-socialist opposition for his uncompromising and “in your face” personality.  His main accomplishments relate to the economy, where lifting a tangle of restrictions by executive order have resulted in robust economic and stock market growth.  Obstructionists in congress shouting “resistance” (as if they were in Vichy France), have hampered much positive legislative action, even relating to the increasingly dire immigration and southern border situation.

The democrats want socialism for the country, apparently forgetting that this brand has failed miserably wherever it has been implemented, and has resulted in over 100 million human deaths in the 20th century.  Leftists cite socialist Scandinavia in the 1970’s, rather than fully capitalist modern Scandinavia, as the model for what they reference as “successful” socialism.  Socialism, as defined by Marx and Engels has never been successful.  It has always failed wherever it was attempted.  Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela are current examples of failed states due to socialism.  There is no doubt whatever, that socialism will not only fail here.  It will go a long way toward ruining this country.

And we have failed cities, wherever leftist regimes govern.  Large parts of major cities on the West Coast are littered with garbage and human excrement and urine.  They are breeding grounds for disease not seen since the 14th century.  Chicago is literally a war zone as far as shooting deaths go. Parts of NYC has been taken over by rats.  These are democrat and socialist politics in action.  These cities defy the federal government in apprehending and deporting criminal aliens from all over the world.  Parts of these cities have literally become cesspools under democrat administrations.

The cultural war that is tearing at the fabric of American society is bad enough.  The continual attack on the moral and ethical values that made, and continue to make this country great erode the very foundations of the country.  It seems insufficient to say that every American citizen, regardless of ethnic background, skin color, etc. has equal rights under the law in this country, and can speak their mind in lawful assembly.  The so called “politically correct” leftist neo-fascists would have us denigrate “toxic males”, people with non-leftist opinions and anyone else not in line with the group-think of the mob, - and they would elevate “marginalized” groups, including aliens here illegally, and others as defined by the leftist mob.

It seems that the anti-Trump hatred of the left have driven the normal opposition democrats into a leftist socialist frenzy, inspired by young, inexperienced congresswomen, with seemingly no perspective of history.  Democrats seem to be outdoing themselves as to how far toward Marxist socialism they will go.  They have mixed hatred of Trump, cultural and environmental issues and Marxist socialism into a dangerous and destructive political brew that can’t fail to do real harm to our country.

Ray Gruszecki
June 25, 2019

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