Friday, August 23, 2019

Socialism/Communism and our American Way of Life

Socialism/Communism and our American Way of Life

If our country elects one of the increasingly socialist and virulently leftist candidates as president in 2020, we would be heading down the path of, most recently, Venezuela, and historically, many other countries that have failed as a result of adopting socialism/communism as a form of government.  Having been exposed to an overwhelming left-wing point of view taught by leftist professors at many colleges and universities, millennials, and particularly, gen-zers, increasingly think that socialism, with its idealistic altruistic sub-theme, would be an attractive alternative to our current moribund government. Why the “C” word?  To quote Lenin, “The goal of socialism is communism. Vladimir Lenin”

Apparently the poli-sci courses that these people took in their 90’s and 00’s colleges were a little weak on historical perspective, and missed the fact that socialism/communism invariably led to brutal, totalitarian regimes that literally murdered their producers, and ultimately failed.  Apparently missed in these courses was the fact that once socialism has exhausted the niceties of wealth equalization and confiscation, totalitarian force is necessary to complete the process.  “If you’re going to take what I’ve earned, you need a disarmed populace and force of arms to do it.” Total deaths of human beings attributed to socialism/communism in the 20th century is upwards of 120 million.

An observer of history can already see the seeds of encroaching socialism trending toward totalitarianism in the U.S.  The most egregious signs and symptoms of this can be seen in what we euphemistically call our “cultural war”, but what is really encroaching socialism knocking on our national psyche and way of life.

We see this in attacks on the first amendment in the way free speech that differs from leftist opinions is being forcibly and violently blocked in our streets, meetings and universities.

We see it, particularly in California, with Orwellian “newspeak” redefining words like “felon” to gentler terminology so as not to unduly offend the criminal (or justice involved individual).

We see it in the incessant leftist movements to abrogate our second amendment rights by increasingly restrictive anti-firearms laws that penalize lawful gun owners, but fail to address the real issues of criminal and mentally incompetent gun possession and use.

We see it in the ridiculous extremes that identity politics is taken by identifying and rewarding more and more leftist defined sub-groups of society, rather than advocating for equal rights for all Americans.

We see it in the disregard of the law and civil order in our major cities (and some states), where “sanctuary” is given to criminals and illegal aliens in defiance of federal law.

We see it in the literal anarchy that has overtaken portions of leftist run major cities, where homeless “tent cities” and “sidewalk squatters” have turned once beautiful areas of these cities into rat-infested cesspools with human waste flowing in the streets.

These are but few examples of the existential danger of the democrat-socialist left mores that have changed the democrat party from one of rational opposition, to the party of “resistance”, “obstruction”, and literal destruction of the distinctly American values that made our country exceptional, and the greatest country in the world.

The insidiousness of what I describe is exacerbated by the accompanying din of the vociferous leftist activists, magnified by academia, and a by mainstream media that has quite obviously “gone off the rails” in support of this leftist movement, which on its surface is only vehemently anti-Trump, but which in fact supports all of the above pro socialist/communist principles.

What can we do to stop or slow down this march toward socialism?  Barring some messianic conservative savior dropping from the sky, the immediate answer is “vote for Trump”, because he has been such an iconic oppositionist to all things leftist and socialist.  If only he wouldn’t tweet so much.  If only he edited his “off the cuff”, “in your face”, pronouncements.  If only he paid more attention to actual history and facts.

Wishful thinking!  The Donald is a wealthy, opinionated, real estate developer and contractor from the NYC streets, who extended his brand and brashness to Hollywood, and now to the White House.  We ain’t changing him.  He approaches Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un with the same aplomb as his “apprentice” participants.  All we can hope for is that this “bull in a china shop”, (pun intended), doesn’t break too much while he is reestablishing the economic strength of the country.

So we opt for Trump in 2020.  But we also need to decisively take back the house, and keep the senate with a super majority, if possible – not easy tasks in this highly partisan and polarized country, many of whom watch the major networks for news, and are literally exposed to leftist, multimedia propaganda.  Thank goodness for the counter voices on Fox News and affiliates, and publications like the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Reuters and AP (sometimes), and others.

Unless we want the socialist “Bathroom Commission” to tell us which toilet to use in the future, we need to get out grass roots efforts to elect republican candidates.  It’s not enough that we elect the big guys.  We need to make sure that our representatives to state and federal offices are anti-socialist republicans.  I suspect that many real “bread and butter” Americans across our great country know the score, and do not want our country to be socialist.  Let’s hope they remember in 2020.

It’s sad that many Americans have taken their political/social affiliations to the level of strong faith, to be believed without debate or discussion, rather than open to rational and intellectual examination and scrutiny.  Forgetting about the vociferous activists and hot-heads who take to the streets or internet memes, virtually any attempt to discuss political issues these days in polite company, is likely to turn acrimonious soon, with one party defending all things Trump and Fox News and rightist principles, and the other side showing what appears to be absolute emotional hatred of Trump and the right, and almost faithful worship of the left and the increasingly socialist side of the democrat party.

Members of the same denomination and church and even the same family become estranged and “unfriend” each other on social media over these political disagreements that border on evangelical religious faith.  So far they have not taken to killing each other as they did in the middle of the nineteenth century over slavery and state’s rights, but the instantaneousness of communications in our internet society makes dissemination of our beliefs and disagreements ubiquitous and literally all-encompassing.  One could cool off when writing a letter with pen and paper, and when reading it at the other end.  Now, we can transmit that angry emotion via social media around the world with a mouse click.

Pithy quotes about socialism

There is nothing in socialism that a little age or a little money will not cure. - Will Durant

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill

Communism is a way of thinking. Socialism is wimpy communism. When you don't have the courage to become a communist, you become a socialist. Jaggi Vasudev

Socialism states that you owe me something simply because I exist. Capitalism, by contrast, results in a sort of reality-forced altruism: I may not want to help you, I may dislike you, but if I don't give you a product or service you want, I will starve. Voluntary exchange is more moral than forced redistribution. Ben Shapiro

The goal of socialism is communism. Vladimir Lenin

A lie told often enough becomes the truth. Vladimir Lenin

Socialism and Communism are extremely attractive to a superficial observer. It is not until you get into the details, or actually experience it, that it becomes apparent that it does not work.

Thomas Peterffy

All socialism involves slavery. Herbert Spencer

This much I would say: Socialism has failed all over the world. In the eighties, I would hear every day that there is no inflation in the Soviet Union, there is no poverty in the Soviet Union, there is no unemployment in the Soviet Union. And now we find that, due to Socialism, there is no Soviet Union! Subramanian Swamy

In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy. David Horowitz

Ray Gruszecki

August 23, 2019

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