Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Killing Life

Killing Life

It is certainly a truism that the Corona virus plague is not only causing difficulties for everyone, people are dying from it.  Responses to these deaths, over 70,000 in the U.S. in early  May, are met with horror in some quarters, with calls to keep the country locked down on the one hand, and on the other hand, reminders that “conventional” flu, driving a car, and many other things we do are as just as dangerous as this virus is, or more so..

Both sides forget the most massive plague in human existence; a plague that dwarfs Covid-19, that dwarfs HIV/AIDS, that dwarfs car fatalities, that makes firearms deaths miniscule by comparison, that in fact kills more than all of the pandemics in recent history.  That plague is the legal killing of unborn and nearly born babies.  That plague is “abortion”.  Abortion has killed more than 46 million helpless infants in the U.S. since 1970, and kills over 600,000 per year  Makes the Corona virus look sort of puny, doesn’t it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_statistics_in_the_United_States

Abortion is killing helpless life.  It is not a euphemism like “reproductive health”, or “women’s rights”, or “sexual health”, or “removing an unwanted biomass”, or “my body, my choice”.  It is killing the life that science (not religion) tells us starts with the zygote, which contains all of the new being’s DNA, which forms when the egg divides.  Killing the innocent result of extraneous human actions can only be deemed as immoral.

Killing innocent life is legal in this country and in much of the world.  Efforts to curtail some of the more gruesome aspects of abortion purveyor “Planned Parenthood”, like trading in human baby cells and body parts, are met with loud howls of protest from our increasingly Godless, secular left wing.  https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/05/court-hearing-planned-parenthood-employee-admits-trafficking-baby-body-parts/

Remember the Kavanaugh SCOTUS confirmation hearings?  A whole slanderous scenario was concocted by Dianne Feinstein and other congressional leftists and their media allies, to literally crucify Judge Brett Kavanaugh because he was thought to harbor legal opinions that might have been critical of abortion.  The confirmation hearings were made lurid by the irresponsible and fawning left wing media, and all we were exposed to for months were accusations about the “serial rapist”, Judge Kavanaugh.  But the real reason the left went after him with such a vengeance, is the chance that he may have held anti-abortion views.

There may be medically and sociologically valid reasons for aborting a birth, including rape and incest, malformities, etc.  But even in these cases, the unborn child has no input into how it got there.  So, we kill it to assuage our own consternation and guilt at the situation, not because the fetus presents any danger to society.

Roe v Wade drew on the 14th amendment to define a woman’s right to abortion, but abortion may be restricted by the individual states to varying degrees.  This has created a patchwork of state laws concerning abortion.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_United_States_by_state.

The debate around abortion continues, with heated arguments, and sometimes, violence, from both sides.  The left is locked into die-hard support of abortion, claiming that 70% of the country condones it.  The right, and many religious groups are against it, and working to repeal the laws supporting abortion.  Society waxes and wanes between liberal and more conservative mind sets.  The observation is that we inexorably trend to the more liberal left with time, so one can posit that the killing of life is not yet done in this country.  It may be interrupted at times, but never fully stopped.

Ray Gruszecki
May 5, 2020

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