Friday, March 11, 2016

The Trump Phenomenon

The Trump Phenomenon

What a controversial character!  He’s a racist!  He’s a fascist!  He’s a Nazi!  He’s a buffoon!   He’s a clown!  He’s a game show host!   He’s xenophobic!  He’s Islamophobic!  He’s a demagogue!   He’s vulgar!   He’s an iconoclast!  And on and on and on.   One thing cannot be denied.  He is a phenomenon.  His alarming and disturbing rhetoric has fired up the country, pro and con.  He is media-savvy and a media star in his own right, and knows how to use the media to optimum advantage.

He is reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt over 100 years ago, not only because he is another rich New Yorker, but also because he is so damned e-bully-iant.  Like Roosevelt, Trump’s bluster masks a more cerebral and pragmatic mien.  His scholastic and business background and accomplishments support this contention. 

He most likely is going to win the Republican nomination, and then he most likely is going to win the presidency.  Whereas he was once thought to be a passing fancy, he has become the dominant force in American politics.  From his past, and as he has repeated many times, he doesn’t undertake anything he cannot win or prevail at.  Being a successful businessman, he is using good business sense, pretty much funding his own campaign by loaning his campaign funds from his personal wealth, with a potential payout later. 

His appeal was once thought to be from the uneducated and disenfranchised.  Not true.  He has appealed across the board to people who are fed up with the Washington establishment, Democrat and Republican.  He has attracted large numbers of both intellectuals and blue collar workers, whites, blacks, and Latinos; and particularly he seems to have attracted much of that middle 30% swing vote that has become so important in recent presidential elections.  He has hit a mother lode of anti-establishment feeling – people from all backgrounds that are fed up and angry at what has happened to this country at the hands of the political establishment of both parties.  That there is more interest in the Trump salted republican primaries in 2016 than in past primaries is supported by this recent Pew poll

I’ve pulled together various commentary and references around the Trump phenomenon and list them below for further reference and study.  These are both pro and con Trump, and several give a British perspective on the issue.

Ray Gruszecki
March 11, 2016

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