Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Charlottesville, Va

These photos were taken by the accredited photographers during the riots in Charlottesville on Saturday, August 12.  The MSM is replete with photos and stories of atrocities committed by the alt-right, white supremacist protesters, and those have served to inflame the country against these odious white supremacists.  This anthology shows that there indeed was another armed and belligerent side rioting that Saturday, the alt-left, as Trump claimed, and as any honest, pragmatic consumer of news must have surmised. 

None of this condones in any way or manner, the corrosive and anti-American message and actions of the white supremacists during these riots, but this gives a bit more of an intellectually honest look at the situation.

The Way Things Should Have Been

White nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" clash with counter-protesters as they enter Lee Park during the "Unite the Right" rally Aug. 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Va.  Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

Counter-protesters line the route taken by white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" during the "Unite the Right" rally Aug. 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Va.  

Counter-protesters line the route taken by white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" during the "Unite the Right" rally Aug. 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Va. 

Counter-protesters line the route taken by white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" during the "Unite the Right" rally Aug. 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Va.   Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

A white nationalist is punched in the face by a counter protester at Emancipation Park, formerly known as Lee Park, during the 'Unite the Right' rally.   Mykal McEldowney, IndyStar via USA TODAY NETWORK

A counter demonstrator uses a lighted spray can against a white nationalist demonstrator at the entrance to Lee Park in Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12, 2017.   Steve Helber, AP

A member of a white nationalist group recovers after being hit by a counter protester on the grounds of Emancipation Park, formerly known as Lee Park, during a 'Unite the Right' rally.   Mykal McEldowney, IndyStar via USA TODAY NETWORK

A member of a white nationalist group recovers after being hit by pepper spray by a counter protester on the grounds of Emancipation Park, formerly known as Lee Park, during a 'Unite the Right' rally.   Mykal McEldowney, IndyStar via USA TODAY NETWORK

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