Monday, February 18, 2019

Some Green New Deal References

 Some Green New Deal References

This commentary by Charles C.W. Cooke puts AOC and her “Green Monster” where it belongs, - on the scrap heap of radical socialism.

"What has possessed a 28-year-old, unmarried, childless bartender to consider herself capable of redesigning the entire world within a decade remains steadfastly unclear.  Indeed, it does not seem to have occurred to either Ocasio-Cortez or to the more experienced politicians who have willingly become her disciples that they are endorsing a revolutionary screed penned by a person who has never so much as dealt directly with a local school board.  At this point in her life, Ocasio-Cortez has no experience of anything much at all.  She has no history of business ownership; she boasts no military service; she exhibits no vocational skills; she has raised no children; she has not dealt seriously with a zoning committee or a regulatory agency or a union boss; she has not written, amended, or influenced a single alteration to the legal regime under which we live."

McConnell’s intention of bringing this object of ridicule to a vote in the senate is a great parliamentary move.  If democrats vote “present”, as they have been wont to do on controversial measures like this in the past, it will just expose and highlight their continuing hypocrisy.
Green New Deal Links

How many versions?

Full Language

Resolution Submitted to Congress


Climate change is real, and has been real for as long as the earth has had a climate.  The earth’s changes of climate are macro events that take place with minor, if any direct impacts by mankind, or at least mankind from the western world.

Speculations and references like these to the real reasons for climate change immediately prompt cries of “climate denier” and worse from progressives steeped in the pseudo-science of man-caused increases in global warming.

We, in the west at least, have pretty much cleaned up our water, rivers and air and stopped dumping gross pollutants in them. The rest of the world, particularly China, India and Africa continue polluting.  Recent observable abuses by these countries are the plastic islands polluting large swaths of the Pacific Ocean.

Movements like AOC & companies’ “Green New Deal”, to eliminate the last vestiges of carbon pollution in the U.S. by imposing ridiculous socialistic controls, doesn’t even touch the real world polluters, China, India and Africa.  In fact an analysis of the GND quickly reveals the real truth behind it, - socialism (and ultimately communism) hiding behind what appears to be a beneficent environmentalist movement.


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