Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Guilty by Accusation

Guilty by Accusation

The situation in Virginia where both the governor and lieutenant governor are being accused of past indiscretions highlights several disturbing circumstances. 

The first is no surprise.  Since these guys are democrats, observe the relatively mild responses by the mainstream media, giving the accused the benefit of the doubt, particularly as regards charges of sexual assault against Lieutenant Governor Fairfax.  Contrast this to the attempted destruction of Judge Kavanaugh by a 30 year old accusation by one person, based on innuendo with no corroboration. Don’t you think that this blatant, biased support of democrats, and the democrat party by the mainstream media should no longer be called “news”, and instead called democrat political support, which it truly is.  Forgive the rant, but the continuing double standard is so egregious, that it can’t fail to grate on one’s sensibilities.

The other, IMHO, is even more serious.  We are living in a time where proof doesn’t matter, and accusations are enough to euphemistically raise the cry “aux guillotines!”  Also, the perceived transgression can be 20, 30 40 years old, and the individual can have a spotless record of public service all their lives.  It doesn’t matter.  If the politically correct “social justice” warriors find one inkling of youthful impropriety, it’s enough, not only to keep an aspirant from office, but enough to ruin them for life.  It’s worse for republicans, but in this case, Northam and Fairfax are “hoist with their own petard”.

This is how the Jacobins operated in revolutionary France, the Bolsheviks in Stalin’s Russia, the brown and black shirted thugs of Europe’s Nazis.  In fact, who can fail to see the analogy between our leftist, black-shirted Antifa thugs, and those in Austria and Germany in the 1930’s?

And the leftists call Trump a racist, using the same accusations and innuendoes described above.  It’s true that he has used inappropriate verbiage in the heat of campaigning, but all I’ve seen in his official pronouncements and actions is equality for all and “raise up minorities”.  Can anyone point to any actions as president where he has acted for white supremacy and against minorities?  Talk is cheap, particularly in the heat of battle.  His pride in the high employment of minorities speaks volumes, and not with any kind of racist tones. 

Unfortunately for the leftists, anyone that disagrees with their ideas concerning political correctness, “social justice”, abortion, socialism, which bathroom to use, and other wild and wooly cultural and social proposals, is named a “racist” or “nazi”.  This has now been extended to anyone that wears “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat.  Can anyone tell me how this symbol of American (white, black, male and female, LGBTQ, all inclusive) pride can be held by anyone to be “racist”?  This is such a perfect example of how hatred of Trump, the man, has corroded the political, cultural and social posture of the leftist democrats.  It is a sad pass for our country if more rational minds on the left don’t prevail.

One other aspect of the Northam issue – isn’t it interesting that the black face and hooded yearbook pictures were released immediately after Northam’s barbaric description of a late term abortion bordering on infanticide.  There are no coincidences.  Someone was lying in wait for Northam.

Ray Gruszecki
February 6, 2019

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