Saturday, October 26, 2019

Our News Sources

Our News Sources

If there were no Fox Network or National Review, or the Wall Street Journal, all of America would be “woke”, multi-gender afraid, Godless and fully socialist democrat.  Unfortunately, most mainstream news sources in our country have become propaganda outlets for liberal socialist thought and the extreme leftist incarnation of the current democrat party.

That is not to say that a constant diet of Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham is any more balanced from the right than a similar diet of Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe is balanced from the left.  These are opinion programs, and opinion and bias are to be expected from these programs.  A constant diet of either milieu will make one either a flaming liberal or conservative.

However, similar bias should not be expected in the 6 pm and 11 pm news broadcasts of the ABC, CBS and NBC, or in the news headlines and reportage (not opinion pages), of the New York Times, Washington Post, and most other major U.S. newspapers.  Yet that leftist bias is so clearly evident in our so-called news media, that one can only conclude that what should be neutral news has become slanted liberal, leftist, propaganda.

Unfortunately, this has consequences.  When “Joe Six Pack”, or “John or Judy Professional” read their local newspaper, or come home after a day’s work and turn on ABC or CBS or NBC, they are continually subjected to biased and slanted commentary from the leftist side of politics.  Many average Americans don’t go out of their way to turn on a Fox channel or read the Wall Street Journal or National Review to get a more balanced view of the news.

This is why selective leaks from behind the “star chamber” closed doors of the secret Trump impeachment inquiry by Pelosi and Schiff to the avidly awaiting partisan mainstream media are so effective to move the needle of public opinion about supporting impeachment, and about the presidential polling data.

Do you think Pelosi is a doddering old fool?  She has always used that “breathless” demeanor to mask a calculating and devious mind set.  She wants to gain public acceptance for impeachment without a vote identifying its backers in the house. If she succeeds in gaining a modicum of acceptance for her secretive and ersatz ‘impeachment inquiry”, it will set a new low for cynicism for law and fairness in congress, and will set a dangerous and lawless precedent for overthrowing an elected president.

Ray Gruszecki

October 26, 2019

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