Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ukraine Phone Call, “Whistleblower” Document

Ukraine Phone Call, “Whistleblower” Document

I’ve been watching and reading the latest leftist/mainstream media effort to “finally get Trump” – (for what seems the twentieth time in his brief 3-year tenure, so far). 

Any honest and rational person who has read the actual transcript of the July 25 telephone conversation between Trump and the Ukrainian President Zelinsky, and the raw “whistleblower report, can see that there is nothing impeachable here.  Trump’s mention of the Biden’s in the phone-con may be inappropriate, but certainly not illegal or impeachable.  The “whistleblower report” is obviously an agglomeration of hearsay, innuendoes and contrarian news reports cobbled together by a disgruntled Trump hater, and blown all out of proportion to take advantage of our whistleblower laws.

Link to transcript of the phone call:

The Zelinsky phone call is just an excuse to implement a “pseudo” impeachment “inquiry” (without any articles of impeachment), to placate the increasingly vociferous socialist left of the democrat party. – Another complete waste of taxpayer dollars and legislative power.  Shame on the democrats for sinking so low!

Professor Hanson, as usual, makes some great points about Trump most likely benefitting from this latest impeachment hoopla.  Now, if he could only keep his mouth shut, and thumbs off of his tweeter ---.

I’m not a big fan of this whole “whistleblower” (can you say “rat”), business, but it has been codified in the law, including protection for the rat, er -, “whistleblower”.

The New York Times, to which I have a cheap digital subscription as a junior college “student”, is absolutely unconscionable. Their recent coup, in pursuit of notoriety (and dollars), is to pretty much identify the person, whose anonymity is guaranteed under the whistleblower laws, who precipitated this latest Zelinsky phone call, “impeach Trump”, mania.

How low the veritable Gray Lady has fallen – from “All the News that’s Fit to Print” to “All the Sensationalism that Can Be Tolerated”.

As is typical for the left-wing media, if something published may bring a negative reaction, blame it on Trump.  And on que, NYT Executive Editor Dean Baquet shifted the blame to Trump. (See the second link). For shame, NYT.

Link to the “Whistleblower” complaint

Ray Gruszecki
Sept 29, 2019

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