Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Covid History and Statistics


Covid History and Statistics

 Some informative statistics about the Covid pandemic for 10 the months while Trump was president, and the 10 months after Biden was inaugurated.

 To tweak our memories, the Trump administration got hit with a previously unknown “novel” Corona virus in early 2020.  They had no vaccine, but immediately initiated steps to develop one, (or two, or three).  They had no precedents or procedures on how to handle the pandemic, and they had been left depleted stockpiles of protective gear to counter the disease.  They were literally flying by the “seat of their pants”, and they brought in experts like Drs. Fauci and Brix, to provide some medical and scientific expertise.

 And let’s remember, all this to the continuing drumbeat from the left-wing politicians and press against President Trump, his personality, his tweets, and his sanity.

 There were 24,809,697 cases of Covid and 411,517 deaths from Covid in the U.S., from March 1, 2020, until Biden took office in January, 2021.  This 10 month period was essentially without any vaccines, and with procedures being developed from scratch, to the constant continuing criticism of the left.  The Covid pandemic was handled within our federalist system of government, under recommendations of the medical doctors and scientists.  The Trump administration provided federal assistance, (hospital ships, etc.) as necessary.

 There have been 23,350,398 cases of Covid and 375,234 deaths in the U.S. in the 10 months under Biden’s watch, from his inauguration, to mid-November, 2021, or nearly as many in the 10 months under Biden as in the 10 months under Trump.  This latter is with three effective vaccines that the Biden administration inherited from Trump, and accompanied with all sorts of dictatorial federal mask and vaccine mandates, and erosion of individual rights and liberties.

 The Covid pandemic is just another example of “the gang that can’t shoot straight” botching another situation where the solution was handed to them “on a platter”, in the form of three working vaccines, and a framework for their effective use.

 As with most things from the left, they are smarter than we are, (or so they think), and they know what’s best for us, even if it tramples all over our rights, and the Constitution. These Biden idiots had to impose heavy-handed federal mandates for masks and vaccines, rather than letting science, medicine, and our federalist system work.  Rather than curing Covid faster, they just pissed off half the country.

 Pity our poor republic under the ineptness and incompetence of the Marxist cabal that is running our government.  The mid-term election in 2022, and the next presidential election in 2024 can’t come fast enough to get these purveyors of nonsense outta here.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 17, 2021

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