Wednesday, November 24, 2021

What Kind of Country?


What Kind of Country?

 What kind of country have we become?  When a demented criminal killer, free after numerous violent crimes, on minimal, so-called social justice, bail, can plow into a Christmas parade and kill and maim innocent people, including children?  Or the media and left-wing mobs (and Joe Biden), neglect the evidence and verdict, and condemn a young man protecting himself from being killed, as a “white supremacist?  This is “wokeness” and identity politics, and so-called social justice, gone wild.

 How have many in our society have become a lawless, police hating, anarchic mob, destroying our liberties and heritage in a chaotic, city-burning frenzy, to the cheers of a corrupt, lying media that either withholds real news, or spews “woke” propaganda in place of the news?

 How can rational, thinking people be swayed into accepting and backing avowed Marxist organizations like “Black Lives Matter”, posing as valid social justice movements, when they and their Antifa buddies, kill, loot, burn and destroy, with no repercussions?  These Marxist organizations, and their violent ways, have perverted our constitutional right of assembly and protest.

 Where do these anti-society and anti-American ideas come from?  Well, they are expressed in writing by the Marxist founders of BLM, and by the German founders of Antifa.  Their roots are in Marx, Engels and Lenin.  They have been embellished by the sophomoric views of young congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others of “the squad”, a powerful socialist clique in the house of representatives.  These anti-American, socialist views have become embedded in the democratic party platform, and in Joe Biden’s administration. 

 Defunding the police, low bail or no bail release, and other anti-law and order measures are regular fare in democrat run cities and states, and backed with resounding headlines and chyrons in the mainstream media.  Noted figures, like Paul Krugman, Robert Reich and many other left-wing spokesmen regularly support the anti-law garbage that resulted in the Waukesha massacre by a demented black criminal out on $1000 bail.

 After ten months of Biden and his Marxist backers, we have high inflation, food and fuel shortages, unvetted people and drugs (including Fentanyl) streaming across our southern border, Americans stranded in Afghanistan, and a doddering old fool leading us into socialism, or worse.

 Biden was put into the presidency by the same elements that are leading the country into socialism.  The methods used by the left would be worthy of any communist dictatorship or banana republic.  Swing state voting laws were changed in violation of the U.S. Constitution.  News was withheld and altered to affect voters’ opinions.  Ballot discrepancies and aberrations were dismissed as “conspiracy theories”.  Efforts to uncover election fraud were treated as “misinformation”.

 We can save our republic by voting the bad actors out of office, and taking back our country.  Will our future elections be viable and robust enough to handle an honest election?  Not if democrat operators like Stacey Abrams, backed by big-buck anarchist-democrats like George Soros, and others, have their way.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 23, 2021

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