Monday, November 13, 2023

Israeli – Hamas War

 Israeli – Hamas War

 Forgotten, it seems, except by Israel, are the atrocities committed by Hamas during their attack on Southern Israel on Saturday, October 7th, the Jewish sabbath.  Instead now, we have the Hamas cowards using hospitals or civilians as shields, and hiding in tunnels under hospitals in Gaza, or in little girl’s bedrooms.

 Lest the world forget, Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israel, and butchered upwards of 1400 unarmed civilian men, women, children and infants.  The pictures of burned and mutilated Israeli babies in their cribs make one’s stomach turn.

 But, in this upside-down, Marxist inspired world of oppressed and oppressor and residual anti-Semitism, the Israelis in Gaza reacting to the Hamas atrocities are the bad guys (the oppressors), and the Hamas butchers somehow became the good guys (the oppressed).

 Benjamin Netanyahu is no Moses or David, but he is a strong leader.

Educated in both Israel and the U.S. (MBA from MIT), Netanyahu has been a major figure in Israeli politics for nearly half a century.

He has coalesced Israel on a war footing, and is determined to eliminate Hamas as a military and political force in Gaza.

Any rational-thinking honest person will wish him and the Israelis “Godspeed”, and success against the Hamas butchers in Gaza.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 13, 2023

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