Tuesday, December 5, 2023



 In the three years that Joe Biden has been in office, he, and his extreme left-wing minions have gone a long way toward ruining this country and its principles, morals and ethics.  Nearly everything that they have touched has turned to crap. They have made a mockery of our government and continue imposing some form of Marxism on the country.

 The reason for normal political parties is to define and implement differences of opinion on government.  Big versus small government, different levels of social programs, different views of environmental matters, and myriad other procedural differences in government philosophy normally define political parties.  In the past, most political parties have been patriotic, loved the country, and promulgated what they thought was best for all of the people of the country.

 It seems that Biden’s administrative state, his advisors, and the people that define Biden’s far left cabal, reflect the same Marxist ideology that festered in our colleges and universities since the demise of the old Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.  This takes several destructive forms.

 One is the Marxist based “oppressor verso oppressed” or the so-called social justice theme that fuels the street mobs like Black Lives Matter and Antifa that caused 20 deaths and billions of dollars in damages in 2021.  The most recent incarnation of these street mobs is the anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian demonstrations now taking place in our cities.  It is inconceivable that millennials and gen-z young people are demonstrating to support the Palestinians and the Hamas butchers, and not the Israelis who were raped and butchered on October 7th.

 Another manifestation of Biden style Marxism and appeasement is what has happened to our country in the last three years.  Whereas, we were historically politically, militarily, and economically strong before Biden, we are now pretty much a weak, vacillating laughingstock.

 There was continuing peace before Biden. Now there are now two wars raging and mainland China is greedily eying Taiwan.  Because of the hesitation and weakness that we have projected internationally, we are closer to World War III than we have ever been.  Our forces in the middle East are attacked by Iranian proxy rockets with impunity.  Aid to Ukraine faces continuing delays and Israel is admonished to enact “cease fires” which help Hamas to regroup.

 Biden and his amateur Marxist advisors have also pretty much done away with our southern border.  Literally millions of undocumented and unvetted aliens and billions of dollars of drugs have flooded into the country.  This includes Fentanyl, which is killing our young people.

 Our economy is in a shambles.  No need to elaborate.  Just buy groceries or gasoline, or any other commodity. What once cost $100, pre-Biden, now costs close to $150.

 Crime is rampant in our streets, particularly in democrat run cities.  Extremist, Soros backed DA’s and prosecutors like George Gascon in Los Angeles, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and Kim Foxx in Chicago don’t prosecute criminals and have established a “revolving door” for most crimes.  The public either arms themselves or shivers in fear.

 “Queer is better” seems to be the preferential theme for choosing administration officials and other functionaries.  And, we no longer have just male and female.  We have an increasing panoply of ill-defined genders, each seeking some degree of hegemony over the others.  We increasingly teach gender diversity and fragmentation in our schools.

 The Biden administration has used two unconstitutional tools to retain young voters and women in recent elections.  The first is their rhetoric supporting abortion as if it were a constitutional right rather than a legalistic aberration.  The second is Biden’s unconstitutional promise to young gen-z graduates to eliminate their student loans.  Both of these lies have allowed Biden and his extreme leftist cabal to retain control of the senate, and only yield a few votes majority in the house, in spite of all of the negative issues caused by Biden’s inept administration.

 One can hardly define the ethical and moral degradation that this corrupt and incompetent Biden administration has caused.  Biden has enriched himself and his family through corruption and kickbacks.  Yet, he struts around (when not falling), like the corrupt Tammany-style politician that he really is.

 One can argue that Biden should not be there, and he would not be if not for Covid.  It would indeed have been a different world with no China-developed Covid, and Trump’s world peace and his economic principles still in effect.  (And his tweets, too.)

 Can we stop the rot and weakness and degradation that four years of a destructive Biden regime would have enhanced?  Not easy, because our very moral and ethical fiber has been damaged.  Our young people have absorbed the Marxist ideology of oppressed versus oppressor, and violently demonstrate in the streets in favor of the Hamas butchers and rapists because of some twisted view of the Palestinians as the “oppressed”.  How can we reverse this twisted Marxist ideology being taught in our colleges and universities?

 Look at the election choices we have for 2024.  We have Trump again.  Leading all other republicans by over 40 points and leading Biden by 6 points. But Trump has 4 indictments and 91 charges against him.  Biden is 81 years old.  Stumbling, mumbling, incoherent.  Inconceivable that he would run again.  Kamala, and her confused word salads?  And there’s a pretty boy socialist Gavin, ready to turn the country into a San Francisco or California style dystopia.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 5, 2023

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