Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Biden Puppeteers and Hamas

 Biden Puppeteers and Hamas

 In three short years, (it seems like a lifetime), the Biden administration have pretty much ruined this country, in a systematic attack to change it into some sort of extreme left dystopia.  This Marxist-oriented cabal have afflicted nearly all aspects of American life.  Biden and his puppet-master minions have corrupted domestic policy, foreign policy, and the very moral and ethical fabric of our society.

 The latest transgression against right and reason is the U.S. call in the UN Security Council for a cease-fire by Israel and continuing rule in Gaza by the Hamas terrorists.  Forgotten are the 1200+ innocent Israel civilian men, women and children that were raped, tortured and brutally slaughtered on October 7th.  What is remembered are the ultra-liberal rantings of some extreme left purple-haired news maven about the brutality of the IDF against Palestinian children in Gaza.  Also neglected is the fact that three quarters of Palestinian Gazans Support Hamas and their unprovoked, brutal attack in southern Israel on October 7th.

 No one condones killing civilians, and particularly children.  The IDF goes out of its way to avoid this, but Hamas knows this.  So, Hamas establishes command and control in hospitals, kindergartens, and the like.  The IDF is no stranger to such tactics, which break all conventions of war, so, they issue many warnings to civilians, and tread carefully before embarking on a military operation.  Some innocents are inadvertently killed.  Such are the vicissitudes of war.

 Benjamin Netanyahu is a strong leader who has vowed to eliminate the terrorist organization Hamas.  It is doubtful that he will be dissuaded from this goal by a mewling, weak-willed excuse of an American president.



 Ray Gruszecki
March 26, 2024

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