Friday, March 29, 2024

Who is running Joe Biden?

 Who is running Joe Biden?

 Because, left on his own, by his own admission, he would “get into trouble”.

 A little history: The gullible democrats elected kindly, grandfatherly, 50 years in DC, multi-experienced, Joe Biden as a counter to wild, flamboyant, loud-mouthed, Donald Trump.  What the country got instead was an aged, senile, foul-mouthed, puppet, co-opted by the most leftist socialist ideology in modern times.  Joe Biden could not be left on his own. He needed to be controlled like a puppet.

 But who were the puppet masters?

 Researching this question produces few direct, definitive answers, and a lot of speculation.

 At one time, experts postulated that Susan Rice was the power in the shadows.  She left the administration nearly a year ago.

 Ron Klain’s name keeps popping up, and he is still a prime candidate for one of the “powers behind the throne”. So does the “power couples’, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer”.

 Barrack Obama has been seen in the white house, and some speculate that Obama is actually in his “third term”.

 Having said all that, the democrats seem intent on running 82 year-old Joe Biden for president again in 2024, apparently counting on enough Trump hatred, (or some other nefarious scheme), to propel them to a win.  Democrats are continuing their unconstitutional efforts to bribe young voters with tuition loan forgiveness, and pro-choice women with abortion issues, so we’ll see if their bribes can succeed to any great extent.

 If some modicum of common sense prevails among the democrats, or if poor old Joe dribbles too many times on his $200 tie, we may see ”cackling girl” Kamala, or “pretty boy” Newsome” running for president.  Or it could be America hating Michelle as Barrack’s “fourth term”.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 29, 2024

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