Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hamas and Antisemitism

 Hamas and Antisemitism

 Anti-establishment protests and demonstrations by (many times) uninformed students and young people are nothing new.  The right of assembly and protest are embedded in our constitution and founding documents as inalienable rights.

 Although not known by many, we still have an “American Communist Party”, as well as an “American Nazi Party” as entities in this country.

 When demonstrations turn violent and cause death and destruction, as did the Floyd/BLM riots of 2020, they should be stopped by lawful authority, like any other threat to a peaceful society. 

 When law and order suffers a collapse because of political factors as has happened in our country, it triggers anarchy and lawlessness in place of a lawful, ordered society.

 Antisemitic and pro Hamas terrorist demonstrations, no matter how distasteful and ill-conceived, are protected under our constitution.  What is not protected are terrorist activities disrupting our society and overt identification as members of Hamas as a terrorist entity whose goal is the active destruction of America.  In fact, one of the motivating slogans of Hamas is “Death to America”, which they shout on our campuses.

 Hamas is an acronym of the transliterated Arabic “Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah”, or “Islamic Resistance Movement”, in English. It is backed by various terrorist groups.  For example, George Soros is a backer and organizer:

 Our first amendment allows “peaceful” demonstrations by Hamas and by antisemites.  It does not allow violence or forceful disruption of society.  While considered odious by most law-abiding Americans, these demonstrations are protected by our first amendment.  People behind the pro-Hamas, antisemitism, like Soros, know this and take advantage of our constitution to wreak havoc on our society.

 Ray Guszecki

April 21, 2024

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