Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Campus Antisemitism

 Campus Antisemitism

 The continuing reports and images of antisemitic, pro-Hamas demonstrations across the country’s most respected college campuses elicit memories of pogroms and “krystal-nacht” in Germany of the 1930’s.

 Saul Alinsky’s “useful idiots”, purple-haired 19-year-old Tiffany, and her bun-haired companion, Brandon, did not organize and finance these demonstrations.  Someone did, - as evidenced by the  multiple rows of new Amazon labelled tents and signs on the campus malls, and the pizzas, soft drinks and other goodies being hoisted into the occupied buildings.

 It develops, upon closer inspection, that a goodly proportion of the campus demonstrators do not belong to the college at all.  They are older outside agitators, paid or unpaid, who are there to abuse first amendment rights by moving the action toward increasingly violent confrontations with the authorities.

 Tracking who is organizing and financing these protests is somewhat amorphous.  Look to the “usual suspects”.  The Soros “Open Society Foundation”, now run by Alexander Soros; The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman; The Rockefeller Brothers Fund; other left wing groups.  Also, look to social media as the lubricant for these movements.

 Some colleges, like the University of Texas at Austin, and thankfully, my alma mater, Northeastern University in Boston, recognized this tantrum-like behavior, sent in police immediately, and rectified the situation.  Other, more “woke” and “progressive” institutions like Columbia and NYU, allowed the situation to turn into a national spectacle.

 It is indeed alarming, that these wide-spread demonstrations are in favor of the Hamas terrorists.  Whether they know it or not, these “useful idiot” college protestors are supporting the vicious butchers that slaughtered, raped and beheaded 1200 innocent civilian men, women and children in Southern Israel on October 7, 2023.

 I have tried to track the genesis of the ideology fueling the antisemitic campus protests.  I believe that it has its roots in the communism/socialism that found a home in our universities after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.  This has morphed into what some term as “American Marxism” and is the foundation for CRT and the current “wokeness” of our “progressive” society, a major feature of which is the concept of and “oppressor” and “oppressed”.  The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel follows from this.

 So, to support the emergent antisemitism, the Israeli reprisals for October 7 slaughter have made the Israelis the oppressors, and Hamas, the oppressed, in the Gaza war.  And the “useful idiot” young students on our college campuses, fueled by older non-college agitators and social media, support the terrorist butchers.

 Ray Gruszecki

May 1, 2024

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