Saturday, May 11, 2024

Student Antisemitic Protests

 Student Antisemitic Protests

 It is hardly likely that 18 and 19 year old students have the resources necessary to finance and organize the recent college protests across the country.  These kids are not able, on their own, to raise the finances, and to resuscitate the perennially dormant antisemitic ideologies that seem to dwell in western societies, and which have seemed to fuel the recent student protests.

 The above notwithstanding, a survey around “outside agitators” show this term to be deemed by the left to be derogatory and against the pursuit of freedom of speech.  We are guided by the left wing to accept the unlikely premise that these protests and all of their creature supports spring from the ground, are almost holy in nature, and are unaffected by the guidance of older activists.

 At risk of being called “conspiracy theorists”, we can unpack who really are the 30-40 year old paid and unpaid activists and agitators fueling these protests, and who is financing them.  Some of these activists are left-wing professors who have drunk the leftist ”socialist Koolaid”.  Others are disenfranchised, unemployed older “post grad” hangers-on for “social justice”.

 Virtually all protests are left-wing or socialist in nature, hide behind our First Amendment, and are destructive to our infrastructure.  They cite benevolent tropes such as “social justice” or “racial equality” as their driving forces, but there is always an undercurrent of anti-Americanism underpinning these movements.

 What distinguishes the current “pro Hamas”, “anti-Israel” protests is the emergence and activation of perennially dormant antisemitism.

  Again, in spite of the opprobrium of the left-wing, look to the usual suspects for financing and organization.  George and Alexander Soros and their “Open Society Foundation”, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman, and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.  These are the groups with ”deep pockets” buying the Amazon tents, new Palestinian flags, pizzas being hoisted into buildings, and boutique snacks and drinks.

 So, once we acknowledge that the students themselves are primarily Alinsky’s “useful idiots” that are being guided by larger organized movements, we can take a look at the movements themselves. 

 All protests of the last 50 years, though coached as “social justice” protests, have some element of socialist inspired anti-Americanism.  What differs in these pro-Palestinian protests from the big civil rights protests of the 1960’s and the BLM, Floyd protests of 2020 is the emergence of once thought buried antisemitism.  Rather that some modicum of “social justice” as a foundation for past protests, these current protestors proudly chant “we are Hamas”, identifying with the terrorists that butchered 1200 innocent Israeli civilian men, women and children on October 7, 2023. 

 As justification for supporting the Hamas terrorists, protestors cite the Israeli reprisal in Gaza against Hamas, forgetting the fact that virtually all of the inhabitants of Gaza support Hamas. And have  been radicalized against Israel.  The analogy is backing the Japanese after Pearl Harbor after the U.S. chose to respond to their attack.

 These antisemitic protests were not occurring in some ignorant backwater parts of the country.  They are happening at Columbia, Harvard, MIT, USC, UCLA, GWU, CCNY, - prestigious bastions of US academia.  It is truly alarming that these exemplars of higher thinking and learning have been corrupted by the driving forces behind these antisemitic protests.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 11, 2024

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