Thursday, January 31, 2019

Socialism, Venezuela, Ocasio-Cortez

Socialism, Venezuela, Ocasio-Cortez

Venezuela and Socialism
This article from the New York Times is heart-rending. It describes what happens when socialism completely destroys a country. It should be read by all who promote the creeping left wing socialism in our country that is seen as being of benefit to Americans.
Socialism / communism never works. NEVER. Either it is modified to incorporate some modicum of free enterprise, as in China and in the European social democratic countries, or it completely fails as in the old Soviet Union. Where it exists unaltered, as in Venezuela or North Korea, it is an unmitigated travesty.
Words fail when one researches the downfall of a once prosperous country of over 30 million people to the horror that Venezuela has become.

These articles provide some background.

Ocasio-Cortez and Socialism
We laugh and joke and create memes about how naïve and air-headed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has come across in some of her recent postures and statements. But beyond the “bless her hearts” and condescension looms a deadly serious point of fact – Ocasio-Cortez, and many of her millennial cohorts don't seem to have a clue as to the historical failure of socialism-communism-Marxism-collectivism-statism, and their offshoots. They seem to be blissfully unaware that the “socialism” brand has never worked anywhere, at any time, and has, in fact resulted in unspeakable suffering and death wherever it has been attempted.
Venezuela is the most recent example of the degradation of the richest country in South America a quarter century ago to people eating from garbage cans for sustenance right now because of unchecked “socialism”. One can easily reference the suffering and loss of lives caused by socialism/communism in Europe, Asia, the Soviet Union and China in the 20th century.
Some will say, “what about Nordic socialism that seems to work so well”? Ask a Dane or Swede or Norwegian if they are socialist, and they will laugh you out of their highly capitalist countries. They have had 70% taxes and cradle to grave care for their hard-working and homogenous populations, but they are strongly capitalist, rather than socialist.
There is a real danger that we can truly be afflicted by the socialist curse, particularly when old Marxists like Bernie Sanders take up the cause, and since many leftist beliefs concerning identity politics, globalism, income equality dovetail so neatly with the socialist agenda.

Ray Gruszecki
December, 2018

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