Friday, November 8, 2019

Deterioration of Our Cities

Deterioration of Our Cities

I have written extensively on politics, and it is no mystery that I am a republican and lean toward the conservative right on most issues.  That is not to say that I back all right-wing causes and have a closed mind.  I am willing to discuss political differences with anyone, of any political stripe, in a rational and intellectual context.  I do not evangelize my political beliefs.

Having said all of that, I have to ask – what is wrong with our deteriorating society and culture?

The following is only one situation being largely neglected by our mainstream media in their raucous fervor to unseat the president by any means.  The only people that seem to be covering the deterioration of our cities seem to be the network much reviled by the mainstream media, Fox News.

Most of our large cities have democrat mayors and administrations and have designated themselves as “sanctuary cities”, where illegal aliens, including hardened criminals among them, are safe from immigration authorities.

Nearly all of these cities are plagued by hordes of homeless people living, camping, shooting up, urinating and defecating across large swaths of their downtown areas.  Rather than cleaning up these areas up and providing sanitary facilities, the democrat administrations in these cities somehow consider these filthy conditions fostering medieval diseases as somehow humane, and ignore this human disaster.

It’s even worse in some cities like Chicago and along the Mexican border where shooting deaths some weeks are greater than in the war zones of Afghanistan and the Middle East.

How can reportedly educated and enlightened voters in these heavily democrat cities and states support democrat city administrations that are allowing and even facilitating portions of their major cities becoming festering medieval cesspools or shooting galleries where multiple children are shot each week?

Forget impeachment, forget the uninformed rush toward socialism, forget the gender/bathroom wars, forget the ludicrous $52 trillion health plans, forget the $93 trillion green new deal.  If we continue to allow the democrats to further ruin our cities, is their any doubt that a massive controlled society and economy like China’s will eclipse us in the near future? 


Ray Gruszecki

November 7, 2019

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