Thursday, November 14, 2019

“Impeachment” Hearings

“Impeachment” Hearings

Those of us who have worked for and are familiar with, large, major corporations, or for government entities, or who have managed their own companies, can pretty quickly recognize what is going on not only at these “impeachment” hearings, but also during this whole process to remove Donald Trump from office that began as soon as he was inaugurated in 2017.  It’s a turf war, endemic to any large entity that develops “pockets of power”.

Trump is an outsider, and a particularly abrasive billionaire New York builder-type outsider, and he has challenged the enfranchised administrative state establishment.  The most recent resistance and rebellion to his foreign and domestic policies by people that in fact work for him as president and chief executive of the country, have ranged from critical op-eds in the sympathetic mainstream media, to this so-called whistle blower, who seems to have been set up by the more extensive embedded establishment, to this ersatz “impeachment”, orchestrated by the democrats in the locked, dark bowels of the House of Representatives building.

Listening to some of the questions and testimony of the first day’s democrat produced and run hearings highlights the disagreement that two highly qualified, mid-level bureaucrats have with the policies of their boss, the president.  They seem to think (or wish) that the state department or the diplomatic corps, set our foreign policy, rather than the president.  They seem to feel that the president (and whatever means he chooses to use), should not question the level of corruption in a country to whom we were about to give a half billion dollars in aid.  The implication of the whole “impeachment inquiry” is that that the Biden’s are above the law when it comes to said corruption, and questions about their nepotism and influence peddling should not be asked.

Since the transcript of the controversial telephone conversation between our president and President Zelinsky of Ukraine has been released and is available for all to read for ourselves, we are reduced to commentary by the democrat’s staged witnesses as to what “they heard” or what “they feel”, or what “they think” about the transcript and its contents.  And this is mostly by people who were not on the call, or who have not even met President Trump.  One congressional democrat even spent his question time extolling the benefits of hearsay testimony over hard evidence.  And the latest breathless headlines are that Ukrainian embassy staffers overheard a cell phone conversation in a Kyiv restaurant between Trump and Ambassador Sondland discussing a quid-pro-quo associating defense money for Ukraine with investigation of the Biden’s.

The above comments are from watching some of the first day’s hearings.  One would never get such direct commentary from the main stream media such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, who for the most part report the democrat exploitation of hearsay and innuendo, as representing gospel, and republican efforts to point this out, as some sort of grandstanding.  Only Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, National Review and other rightist publications come close to truthful reportage, albeit with a right-wing slant.

This is not some minor congressional disciplinary action against the executive branch.  It has to be remembered that the democrats have termed these efforts “impeachment hearings” aimed at impeaching a duly elected president and removing him from office.  Since conviction in the senate and removal from office is virtually impossible given the republican majority in the senate, one has to ask what is the purpose of the house impeachment effort?

Impeachment and/or removal of Donald Trump from office has been on the democrat (and the administrative state agenda), since his inauguration in 2017, and was exacerbated by the election of a vociferous extreme left socialist democrat contingent (“the squad”) in 2018.

After failures to “get Trump” via Emoluments. Stormy Daniels. 25th Amendment. $30+ million wasted on Special Prosecutor/Russia collusion, now we have the Ukrainian Phone Call, which seems to have formed a convenient cause celebre to assuage the rabid socialist democrat left.  Even though the whole impeachment effort is doomed to failure, the only rationale for such whole-hearted democrat involvement seems to try to smear Trump, particularly by engaging the mainstream media, whose reporting has been loudly and over 95% pro-impeachment, notwithstanding the lack of legal foundation.

It can only be hoped that the broad range of the American electorate is not as stupid as the democrats seem to think, and that our electorate can see through the duplicity and dishonesty of the continued left-wing effort to impose a coup on our duly elected government.  (Now by “impeachment”, after emoluments, Stormy, special prosecutor, etc.).  We vote in less than a year, and hopefully we can continue to weed out the embedded administrative state who think that they run the country, and not our executive, as monitored by our legislative and judicial branches, and  as established for our republic.

Ray Gruszecki

November 14, 2019

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