Thursday, November 21, 2019

“Impeachment” Hearing Takeaways

“Impeachment” Hearing Takeaways

Man, were we ever impressed by the array of professional mid-level witnesses prepared for us and paraded by the Schiff show and intended for our elucidation this past week, during the so-called “impeachment hearings”.  The “coal miner’s daughter”, with her Harvard doctorate, and the Lt. Colonel with his dress blues and arrays of medals and ribbons were particularly impressive, as were the obviously accomplished and competent ambassadors and other professionals who testified at the behest of the democrats.  These knowledgeable professionals are not to be disparaged in any way for their qualifications and how they fit into our government administrative state ranks.

Having said all of the above, only one of the witnesses, Gordon Sondland, worked directly, on a personal basis for President Trump, and was given a specific answer in a phone call, as to what Trump wanted out of Ukraine – In Sondland’s words, the president “wanted nothing”, “no quid pro quo”, for “Zelinsky to do the right thing”, and  “to do what he ran on” (anti-corruption).  Of course, this was only brought out by republican questioning after the scripted opening statement by Sondland implied a positive “quid-pro-quo”, of Ukrainian investigation in return for a meeting with Trump.

All of the other witnesses, for all their attractive demeanors and positive credentials, testified only to what they “thought”, or “heard” or “read”, or “assumed”, or “presumed” about any “quid-pro- quo” or “this for that” regarding Ukraine.  Since all of these witnesses were part of the executive branch, we heard in their testimonies, the dissatisfaction of these mid-level managers in our government with their boss, President Trump.

Since the democrats did not allow Trump or the republicans to defend themselves or call witnesses, we only have the prepped witnesses allowed by Pelosi and Schiff, although the republicans did a credible job of questioning the witnesses when Schiff refrained from interrupting them.

It became clear from witness after witness, that they thought that their expertise and experience should have allowed them to set policy, rather than carry out policy set by President Trump and their supervisors.  In other words, these witnesses were members of the administrative state who were at odds with their executive, and many of their opinions were formed from bureaucratic and office gossip, tweets and scuttlebutt, presumably at the water cooler or at lunch.  One can only wonder if the so-called “whistleblower” was formed from these origins, since apparently, he/she had no direct contact with the president and was not on the infamous July 24 call with President Zelinsky of Ukraine.

So after having proven nothing, except for employees’ dissatisfaction with their boss, and hearing only hearsay and innuendo from the testimony allowed by the democrats, off the congress will trot toward impeachment.  The leftist house has the numbers, so there is very little doubt that there will be a senate trial.  In this venue, however, it will be a different ballgame.  Witnesses will be called by the republicans, and hopefully there will be a full exposure of the fascistic procedures in the house by the democrats.  Trump will be acquitted and hopefully go on to win a landslide in 2020, including both houses of congress.  That is if the American electorate is not as stupid as the democrats would like it to be, and if fairness still counts for something in this country.

Ray Gruszecki

November 21, 2019

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