Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Dystopian Fourth of July

A Dystopian Fourth of July

It’s a sad Fourth of July for our dystopian society and country.  We are enjoined from normal celebrations by an inconsistent gaggle of executive orders and dicta, rather than laws, relating to Covid-19, handed down by mainly leftwing mayors, judges and governors, on the advice of unelected “experts”. The virus continues to spread, abate, and then bounce back, no matter what our mitigation efforts.

Marxist based activists and agitators roam our streets defacing and destroying our statues and monuments and “cancelling” icons of our culture, history and heritage.

According to Pew Research, two-thirds of our gullible American public have imbibed the koolaid meted out by the biased mainstream media,  and believe that the mob in the streets is right in its actions, and that President Trump is an incompetent racist that is responsible for the virus, the economic downturn from the shutdowns, for the emotionally based, but not factual, systemic racism in our society, and for a litany of other ills afflicting the country. 

These same gullible Americans fail to see the failures, hypocrisy and ineffectiveness of the democrats in congress, who are so obsessed with “hating Trump” and their slide toward socialism as defined by “The Squad”, that they fail in their most elementary legislative duties.

And Trump as the autocratic businessman president also doesn’t help his own cause.  His focus on the “bottom line”, or economics, as in a corporation, to the minimalization of other, “softer” issues makes him look like a crass, egotistical despot.  He is obviously a patriot who is here to make the country a better place. Why else would he give up a life of comfort and luxury to work 20-hour days for donated pay, and to be exposed to the most vile political and media campaigns against him?

But that makes no difference.  It’s all in the perception, and the perception is formed by the antagonistic media, and impromptu, midnight tweets.  In the eyes of much of the public, Trump’s frequent TV appearances to keep the public informed, have devolved into empty “reality shows”.

All of this adds to the feeling of dystopia and impending doom.  If the double-digit lead that Joe Biden in his basement, currently holds over Trump, in fact results in Trump losing the presidency in November, the country will indeed be thrust into a truly advanced dystopia.

Who would wield executive power?  Certainly not the senile Biden.  Presumably a socialist “comintern” style central committee directing Vice President Kamala or Stacey.  A Marxist inspired lawlessness will prevail.  Biden has already said that he would raise taxes.  The stock market would tank, along with our 401k’s and IRA’s.  The “Green New Deal” would lead us into a depression worse than the corona virus pandemic.

So, I suggest that it is time for Americans to adopt a dose of good, old fashioned, realism and pragmatism, hold their noses again, and opt for Trump, who is truly the lesser of two or more evils.  If we don’t, we will be a socialist country, in the first phase of the downward deterioration experienced by Venezuela in the late 1990’s.  The violent Marxist rioters in our streets aren’t kidding.  They are a harbinger of things to come, if we think that Trump is such an ogre, and vote him out in November.

Ray Gruszecki
July 4, 2020

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