Wednesday, July 1, 2020

No Cops, What Next? Revolution?

No Cops, What Next? Revolution?

Now the inmates are truly taking over the asylum!  At least the useful idiots comprising the millennials and gen-z’s being herded by the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement toward anarchy in our cities. 

While literally still violently destroying our history, culture and heritage, this Marxist mob, using the mantle of civil rights, and taking full advantage of our first amendment, has now embarked on a campaign to defund or disband large city municipal police departments.  And they are being helped in this effort by clueless and/or leftist educated members of democrat city administrations.

In the meantime, American citizens, (and primarily poor, black American citizens), are being beaten up, robbed and killed by criminals who have been treated to the democrats’ “catch and release” programs.  The police increasingly have the “blue flu”, are retiring early, or just plain quitting.  Who can blame them, when they have only vilification, and no support from their city administrations?

Where will it end?  Will the federal government override the state and local governments like President Eisenhower did in Arkansas in 1957, and send in federal troops?  Is the “Silent Majority” strong enough to vote out the current crop of weak democrat politicians, and vote in Law and Order candidates that will calm the Marxist inspired masses?  Or will it result in continued violence and revolution, with armed vigilantes fighting the left-wing mobs, and imposing another unwanted form of civil order?  Because, at some point, that vast Silent Majority across the country, might very well take up arms, and stop the continuing deterioration of their way of life.

Too far out?  So was a virus that shut down our country and ruined our economy.  So was the killing of one black American in Minneapolis, that acted as the trigger for untold civic destruction.  History has shown that when a situation becomes uncomfortable enough for a large enough number of people, all it takes is an idea, no matter how bizarre, and a charismatic leader or movement, to change a country beyond imagination.

Think of Hitler in civilized Germany. Simon Bolivar in South America, Lenin and Stalin in Russia, Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran, Castro in Cuba, and the most pertinent of all, for us, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, - countless others.

Hopefully our republic is robust enough to withstand these attacks on our fundamental liberties.   We have always prevailed before.   But the siren song of socialism and Marxism is strong.  Many of our younger people are attracted to the altruistic aspects of this overall corrosive philosophy.  They forget, or have not been taught, that it always devolves into the sacrifice of liberty and freedom to totalitarianism, and has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people in the 20th century.

Ray Gruszecki
July 2, 2020

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