Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Covid Numbers and Other Considerations

Covid Numbers and Other Considerations

The overall Covid statistics are not great.  Maybe we should go out by the millions and yell and scream obscenities, and deface and break more statues.  Oh, I forgot, Covid selectively spares BLM mobs. It just likes to attack church groups, Trump rallies, and such.  Sorry, I just can’t avoid the cynicism in this dystopia.

Covid cases in one day, on June 30, are 47,813 in the U.S., 185,130 in the world, 7,959 in Texas, and 601 in Dallas County.

Deaths from Covid for the same day, are 1,332 in the U.S., 6,089 in the World, and 59 in Texas.

The corresponding positivity is 2.8% for the U.S., 3.3% for the world, and 0.7 % for Texas.

No laws have been passed telling us what to do.  Only Dicta and executive orders by our local, state and federal executives, who are being informed by non-elected medical and scientific experts.  Remember, it was on this basis, fueled by fear and the unknown nature of the virus, that we originally shut down most of our country and economy for three months, and caused untold grief and consternation to a great swath of our population.

The virus numbers we now see daily are alarming.  We, America, are now the corona virus pariah of the world.  The EU has closed its borders to us (if they even have borders). 

The advice of Dr. Fauci, Dr Brix, Dr Redfield, Admiral Giroir, Surgeon General Adams and other medical experts should be well received and heeded voluntarily, and not by dicta or executive orders without force of law, by local and other despots.

Surely, we need to take reasonable precautions to mitigate the spread of the virus.  Hygiene, sanitation, wash your hands a lot, avoid touching your face, socially distance, avoid crowded, indoor spaces, and wear masks, (today’s recommendation).  Do these precautions in spades if you are aged and/or have systemic health issues, and also if you are young and have any kind of social contact with grandma or grandpa.

In the meantime, it would appear that other than the common sense dictated by the numbers, the corona virus pandemic, like so many other issues, has been politicized by the radical leftists, with the sole purpose of “getting Trump” (for the uncountable umpteenth time).  The rationale here is let’s keep the economy subdued by lockdowns, thereby harming Trump’s election chances on his signature political theme, the economy.  Concomitant with this, the dems say, with the 90% biased mainstream media’s help, let’s continue to twist and falsify the racial and police reform issues to keep the virulent identity politics issue alive.

At any rate, we are “in a pickle”, folks.  Covid-19 won’t quit.  We have Marxists and anarchists in our streets trying to destroy our history, culture and heritage, with the democrat run cities, not only allowing it, but abetting it.  We need to vote for law and order and America, not what can become a Marxist inspired Venezuela.  It really is time for that “silent majority” to flex their muscles, and be a little less silent.

Ray Gruszecki
July 1, 2020

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