Monday, February 22, 2021

Changing America Forever


Changing America Forever


It is dis-spiriting to follow daily news how Biden, the strawman, and his puppet masters, are destroying our country.  It seems at first that these are just hate-filled and vindictive actions to undo everything, good, bad or indifferent, that former President Trump had ever touched.

 But it goes much deeper than that.  It is a systematic attempt to change our culture and our government forever, into a Marxist, identity politics, cancel culture based, one party system. 

 The link below conveniently lists and references all 55 of Biden’s executive orders and pronouncements to date, since taking office on January 20, 2021. This is truly a continuation of Obama’s “dictatorship by the pen”.  These are not laws passed by congress, but they have the weight of laws in practice.

 The one actual so-called “Covid legislative relief bill that the majority democrats threaten to pass with no republican participation, relates less to the pandemic, and more to bailing out democrat cities and states that have been corruptly and inefficiently governed by their democrat mayors and governors.  It is also loaded with other “pork” that has nothing to do with Covid relief, like support to kill more babies, and a transportation link in Silicon Valley.

 Woe our poor beleaguered country.  Opposition to the unconstitutional election, and the dictatorial posturing of increasingly alt-left, socialist, Biden and his minions is suppressed and called “insurrectionary activity”.  Is this our beloved United States of America, or is it some affiliate of dictatorial China or Vietnam, or some other thug-run banana republic?

Ray Gruszecki
February 22, 2021

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