Friday, February 26, 2021

Ruminations on Our Politics


Ruminations on Our Politics

 After an unconventional, controversial, almost apolitical term as president, Donald Trump shot himself in the foot one last time, by becoming associated, with the help of the ever-derogatory media, with the destructive break-in at the capitol building on January 6th.  Although acquitted of another impeachment attempt, this time for inciting insurrection, the popular perception, again fanned by his media enemies, is that Trump was at least partly responsible for the mob that broke into the capitol building. Even some of Trump’s backers, like Mitch McConnell, have opted for political expediency, and condemned Trump as being culpable for the capitol mob.  To add to the indignity, social media, like Twitter and others, have banned Trump from expressing his views to the American public.

 After many positive actions during his presidency, - good for the country, good for the people, but anathema to the left-wing political establishment and their media accomplices, Trump is deemed to have been defeated in a rigged, unconstitutional election, and discredited by not accepting and resisting the rigged results.  His enemies changed the election rules in the swing states, not by lawful state legislatures, but by various democrat party bosses and appointees.  And, a sad chapter in our history, - not only did they get away with it, they are perpetuating it, and persecuting anyone who challenges their illegal distortion of Covid-associated mail-in voting.

 Perhaps the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people is the current president, Joe Biden, who is the definition of a corrupt, cynical, politician, with no core beliefs except self- aggrandizement.  Joe sat in his basement during the election campaign, while media propaganda portrayed him as a moderate, kindly, grandfatherly figure, who would bring stability to government after years of Trump’s turmoil and “in your face” presidency.  The media exalted Biden and actually hid and distorted news that would be detrimental to him.  In fact, voters said that they would not have voted for Biden if they knew that the scurrilous contents of Hunter’s laptop were true.  And, of course, the media continued to excoriate Trump, blaming him for the corona virus. Big pharma delayed vaccines until after the election so that Trump would not get credit for their “warp speed” development and availability.

 Unannounced and unbeknown to the American public, was the “devil’s bargain” entered into by Joe Biden and his minions with the Bernie Sanders, Sandy Cortez contingent, and the alt-left.  Rather than a moderate, the democrats elected a socialist and borderline communist, as shown by the nearly 60 executive orders that drop from Joe Biden’s dictatorial pen daily. At first these executive orders seemed to be vindictive actions to undo everything, good, bad, or indifferent, that President Trump had touched.  But it soon became evident that Biden’s and his puppeteer’s actions were much more insidious that that.  They are a systematic attempt to change our culture and our government forever, into a Marxist, identity politics, cancel culture based, one party system.

 The one big criticism of Donald Trump during his presidency is that he could not keep his mouth shut, - and it finally led to him being discredited, even by many of his former backers.  But the public, and politics, is fickle.  I’m old enough to remember Richard Nixon in 1962, after he lost the gubernatorial race in California, saying “you won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore”.  To all intents and purposes, Nixon was finished politically in 1962 at that point.  In 1968, Nixon was president of the U.S.

 Unfortunately, the few right-wing activists that attacked the capitol did irreparable harm to the questioners of the legality of the election and the opponents of encroaching socialism.  Scenes of the stars and bars in the rotunda, and that idiot’s feet on Pelosi’s desk are forever ingrained and associated with Trump, republicans and conservatives.  Eugene McCarthy style “witch hunts, and thousands of occupying troops and razor wire barricades in Washington, DC have been employed by the hysterical democrats.

 Informed consensus is that the democrats have swung too far left, and are pushing identity politics, cancel culture, distorted views of racial and gender “equity”, and other views against the grain of normal cultural mores.  Some say that this leftist, globalist, almost anti-American view will abate or expire, and that there will be a return to a more patriotic mien in the 2022 mid-terms.

 Trump is still a force of nature.  Jack Dorsey muzzles him on Twitter?  Trump can start his own social media outlets.  And its not only the old man.  Donald Junior is quite politically active and outspoken, as is Eric.  Lara Trump is considering a run for Congress from North Carolina.  Ivanka and Jared have been working in the West Wing for four years, and have accumulated a lot of valuable experience.  Jered orchestrated the recent Middle East peace agreements.  No, Trump and his patriotic, “America First” policies are not defunct.  74 million Americans voted for him this time, and after seeing the leftist, socialist, politically corrupt abuses of Biden and his handlers, more of the voters that constitute that one third in the middle will swing toward the right.

Ray Gruszecki
February 26, 2021

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