Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Buyers Remorse?


Buyers Remorse?

 Do you have buyer’s remorse yet, all you voters who (unconstitutionally) elected Joe Biden, thinking “we’ll replace that orange monster with this kindly, stable, grandfatherly type who will bring calm and serenity to the government”.  Well, what you got was a borderline communist regime, and an agenda being orchestrated by Biden’s handlers, who are about as left-wing and Marxist as we’ve ever seen in this country.

 You were sold a bill of goods, Biden voters.  Biden sat in his Delaware basement while the biased media hid news that would harm his chances for election, while continuing to excoriate President Trump for killing people with “his” corona virus.  Big tech and big pharma jumped on the bandwagon of lies and deceit and mendacity by censorship, and by withholding news of successful vaccines, and any other news favoring President Trump, until after the election.

 Trump overcame these massed forces before, but this time, coupled with the dubious efficacy of unconstitutionally altered voting laws in swing states, and the mail-in ballot process related to the pandemic, it was too much to overcome, and Trump lost to “Joe in the basement”.

 Biden and his minions glossed over exactly how far to the radical left this crop of democrats were.  Only a few of us took the time to read the Democratic Party Platform, and the Bernie-Biden manifesto upon which it was based, and warn about where the democrats were heading.  It is a pity that more of you Biden voters didn’t read the “manifesto” and get familiar with it, because it is serving as a blueprint for what Biden and his handlers are accomplishing, starting with the 45-odd executive orders Biden has signed thus far.  Here are the links, that have been out there since September, 2020, just for grins.



 We all should read these, because this is what the current crop of democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, AOC and the squad, envision will be our future.  Now, aren’t you all ecstatic that the orange monster is gone?

 So, as our country slips toward something resembling Jerry Brown’s and Gavin Newsome’s California, or Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela in the 1990’s, we can ask ourselves, and particularly we can ask the disenchanted Trump voters who voted for Joe Biden, is this what we expected and wanted?

 And, as an unexpected bonus, we have from the left, persecution, (now called “cancellation” by the “woke”), of republicans, resembling Putin’s Russia, or Eugene McCarthy, here, in the 1950’s.

Ray Gruszecki
February 2, 2021

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