Saturday, October 23, 2021

Biden’s Dystopia


Biden’s Dystopia

 I’m sure that we all have noticed, even the inveterate liberals and progressives who primarily elected him over that nasty, tweeting Trump, that we are living in Biden’s self-made dystopia.

 Was it only 10 months ago that we had a thriving economy, recovering smartly from a debilitating year of Covid pandemic?

 We had $2.00 per gallon gasoline prices, no inflation and increasing real employment.

 We had a stabilized, (if not perfect) southern border.

 We had plans to withdraw from Afghanistan in and orderly and rational fashion. 

 We had three separate vaccine families that had been developed in an unheard-of nine months, with vaccination efforts left largely to the scientists and the states.  

 We were holding China and other international thugs like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Erdogan at bay with tariffs and a strong foreign policy.

 We had two sexes instead of infinite ”genders”.

 We were not teaching racial bigotry via “Critical Race Theory” and “The 1619 Project”, in our schools.

 And for all his tweeting and verbal foibles, and in spite of the leftist campaigns against him from the very beginning of his presidency, President Trump stabilized the country by his actions, and elicited patriotism from the vast middle of the country.  He made “America First”, and made most of us proud to be Americans again.

 Contrast what we have 10 months later with Biden’s dystopia, - a disastrous deterioration of our economy, national integrity, foreign policy and social identity.

 Empty shelves?  Shortages for Christmas? $5.00 gasoline?  Dictatorial vaccine mandates?  Upwards of 2 million unvetted and mostly unvaccinated illegals in the country?  Americans and allies left behind to the Taliban?  China and others making aggressive moves?  Teaching racial bigotry in our schools?  All Joe Biden’s doing.  All Joe Biden’s dystopia.

 Clearly Joe Biden himself is not all there.  What he lacks in mental acuity, he makes up for with outright lies and arrogance.  He can’t hold a sentence or thought together, but boy, can he get riled when asked a pertinent question about his administration.

 It has been postulated that “progressives” like Susan Rice and Ron Klain are manipulating Joe’s puppet strings.  His daily close circle consists of Ron Klain, Mike Donilon, Mao-loving former Obama WH communications chief Anita Dunn, Bruce Reed; Steve Ricchetti,

former Trump impeachment cheerleader, Cedric L. Richmond.

 Some say that there is George Soros money, and Chinese Communist influence behind what is happening with Biden.  Other scuttlebutt opines that he is his own worse enemy, as he has been for all those years in the senate and as vice president to Obama.

 Whoever is running Biden, they are running our country straight to socialism, Marxism, and let’s face it, ultimately, communism.  Most of the democrats in congress have been co-opted to go along with this, as have many voters who have been exposed in school, to the altruistic aspects of socialism, and have forgotten, or never learned, the long-term destructive effects of this corrosive philosophy.

 The only thing we can hope for is that the country catches on before its too late, and reverses this “America last” movement.  The country is catching on.  Biden’s dystopia is affecting their pocketbooks and their kids, two powerful motivators.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 23, 2021

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