Friday, October 15, 2021

Woe, Our Poor Country


Woe, Our Poor Country

 What an absolute dolt is this Biden!  He has done unprecedented harm to our country: its society, its laws, its economy, its military, its identity as a country, and on and on and on.  Everything he and his inexperienced socialists have touched has turned to crap.

 Did we not see this from his ineffective 37 years in congress, his 8 years as Obama’s Vice President and his cowardly hiding in his Delaware basement during the 2020 presidential campaign?  Even Obama enjoined him from running for president, and opined that he would f--- it up.

 And I’m not referring to his obvious senility and mental degradation.  It’s his bloviating and arrogance in light of myriad failures that makes him a hypocritical and inept occupant of the white house.

 And, unfortunately, we can’t get rid of him until 2024, because even with a massive republican takeover of the house and senate in 2022, the 67 votes needed in the senate to remove him are next to impossible.  And assuming that Biden could be impeached and removed, who would we have in his stead, laughing girl Kamala, who is almost as incompetent as old Joe.  Impeach Kamala too and open it up for Kevin McCarthy or another republican speaker of the house? – again, hardly likely.

 The only thing that we can rationally hope for is a substantial republican win-over of both houses of congress in 2022, so that they can limit the unbridled stupidity of Joe Biden and his Marxist minions.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 15, 2021

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