Saturday, October 30, 2021




 A particularly egregious policy of Joe Biden and his handlers, is to try to force Covid-19 vaccinations on everyone in the country.  This heavy-handed, forced approach may work on some of the uninformed sheep that elected Biden because they didn’t like Trump’s tweets, but it doesn’t work on many Americans, whose forefathers coined the phrase “don’t tread on me”.

 If we recall, President Trump, in nine months, oversaw the development of three effective vaccines against Covid-19, and pretty much left their application in the hands of the medical doctors and scientific experts.  That’s not to say that Trump did not encourage everyone to get vaccinated, he just did not try to force it on anyone.

 Along comes the vacuous Biden and his clueless handlers in January of 2021, to “f… it up”, in the words of the saintly Obama.  And so he did, by applying fascistic force to the vaccination issue.  Instead of letting the doctors and scientists vaccinate the population, Biden was going to force it, and take credit for “curing Covid”.

 Americans of various stripes rebelled and resisted, and rather than an orderly process to vaccinate most of the country, we have politicized anti-vaxxer movements, in the streets, protesting the dictatorial Biden government action.

 Personally, as an older person, I got my first two Pfizer shots and the booster, as soon as I could.  I was motivated by medical and scientific considerations, and not anything that Biden was doing.  But a lot of people were turned off and resisted the shots because of the force being applied by the Biden cabal.

 So, the country is needlessly fragmented by the vaccination issue, because of Biden’s continuing stupidity.  Everything he touches turns to crap, while he struts around in his arrogance, bragging about how good a job he’s doing.  Because of the pro-left media propaganda, some people still believe him.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 30, 2021

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