Saturday, December 4, 2021

Covid in the U.S.


Covid in the U.S.

 I’ve been keeping statistics on Covid cases and deaths since Covid began in early 2020, for the U.S., the world, and for the U.S. states where my extended family lives.  The data sources show data for all world countries, which I observe, but do not specifically track,

 Several things are apparent from these statistics,

 1.)   The U.S. has significantly more cases and deaths from Covid than any other country.

 The U.S has 49.9 million cases, and 808.2 thousand deaths.

Second is India with 34.6 million cases and Brazil with 615.5 thousand deaths.

 2.)   There have been more cases and deaths from Covid in the U.S. in 2021 under Biden with three vaccines available, than in 2020 under Trump, while procedures and vaccines were being developed. 

2021 - (Biden, with 3 vaccines) – 29.4 million case, 454.6 thousand deaths.

2020 – (Trump, with no vaccines) – 20.5 million cases, 354.4 thousand deaths.

 Many people give Joe Biden credit for his handling of Covid, which obviously is based on Biden’s and the left-wing media’s lies. The general public must be unaware of the above numbers.

 Why is the U.S. death rate from Covid so high in comparison to other countries?  A quick survey blames Trump (what else?), and our fragmented federalist system.  Could Biden and Harris saying during the presidential campaign that they would not take the “Trump vaccine”, have anything to do with it?

 I could not really find a balanced analysis of why U.S. Covid deaths are so high, particularly in 2021 with three vaccines.  Most media attempts at explanation contain apologia for Joe Biden’s efforts.  In spite of its politics, this Washington Post article is a pretty thorough review of U.S. Covid deaths compared to the rest of the world.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 4, 2021

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