Wednesday, August 24, 2022

George Soros – Villain to America


George Soros – Villain to America

 George Soros has been vilified as the arch villain who has donated billions of dollars to destroy the American (and world) political systems.  He has been painted as a Marxist or worse, even though he made his billions ($8.6 billion in 2021), from hedge funds in London’s Square Mile and New York’s Wall Street.  He is not a Marxist.  In addition to finance, he is an intellectual who has authored or co-authored upwards of 15 books, and a similar number of notable op-eds.  Soros has been a follower of Karl Popper and his  “Open Society” philosophy and considered Popper a mentor during his years in London.

 That’s not to say that George Soros is a nice guy, with benevolent aims for American and world society.  Notwithstanding the lofty thinking of Popper’s “Open Society” and Soros’ adoption of it, what Soros has done with his money in the U.S. in practice has been nothing short of destructive to our political system and society.

 High crime rates in our cities?  Look to Soros for backing the “defund police” movement.  Bail free crime and recidivism? Look to Soros for pouring millions into installing extremist, hard-left DA’s and prosecutors.  Incompetent democrat run city governments?  Look to Soros for throwing big bucks toward electing far=left “progressive” mayors.  Popper’s “Open Society” looks more like Huxley’s “Brave New World”, to which it has been compared contextually.

 If anyone is interested in further background, these links honestly examine who and what George Soros is, and dispel falsities while stressing realities.  Same with Karl Popper’s background.

 George Soros:


 Karl Popper:


Ray Gruszecki
August 24, 2020

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