Wednesday, August 31, 2022

MLB Backs Gender Conversion


MLB Backs Gender Conversion

 World gone mad.

 “Under the auspices of LGBT-themed “Pride Nights” — fundraisers and charity partnerships that began in the early 2000s and were embraced, over the course of two decades, by almost every team in the league — many of MLB’s most prominent franchises have begun to promote or fund groups that encourage or provide sex-change procedures and gender-transition hormone treatment for minors as young as 12. Other organizations promote “social transitions” — i.e., nonmedical changes in “gender expression,” including the adoption of new names, pronouns, and clothing — for children as young as three.”

 According to a recent Gallup poll, 7.1% of Americans identify as LGBT in 2022, more than half of these as bi-sexual. In addition, Gallup finds that about one in ten LGBT adults -- or slightly less than 1% of all U.S. adults -- are married to a same-sex partner. Transgender adults comprise about 0.7% of the 7.1%. These percentages translate to 24 million LGBT, 2.4 million trans and 3 million same sex marriages in the U.S.

 Sexual persuasion is not a modern requirement for equal rights under the law in most modern western countries, and that’s a good thing.  What people do in their own bedrooms should not be subject to governments or their laws.

 Flaunting homosexuality, (or LGBT, as it now known), by vociferous activists, and which has traditionally been considered a human deviation or abomination, is something else again.  As is encouragement of gender conversion in children as young as three, as covered in this article.

 This is another example of the extreme left perverting the rectification of a long-standing bias against the LGBT community, by creating an egregious wrong in the process.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 31, 2022

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