Friday, August 12, 2022

Shame, Shame, Shame


Shame, Shame, Shame

 Shame, shame, shame!  On you democrats for allowing yourselves to be hi-jacked by “woke”, Marxist, anti-Trump (read anti-American), sophomoric, leftist extremists.  You forgot the good that President Trump did for the country, only one of which was overseeing the creation of a vaccine against Covid within nine months, and concentrated instead on the media and big tech detractors of his “in your face” personality.

 Shame, shame, shame! For pushing a perennially incompetent and uncreative political hack like Joe Biden into the most powerful position in the world, and using him as the foil for a Marxist destruction of the country’s politics and economics, and a “woke” destruction of our society and values.  Obama warned what he was.  The Trotsky/Alinsky steeped sophomoric extremists driving the democrat party did not listen.

 Our country has recovered from dire circumstances in the past.  Civil war, two World Wars, all manner of internal strife like anti-war, race and food riots.  Hopefully, we will also recover from this current social and economic upset caused by the extreme left democrats and their slavish followers that have attained positions of power.

 Is another Trump term the answer?  The emotional response after all of the empty persecutions and tormenting of this man and his family, is a resounding, YES!

 Or, have we had enough emotional, populist, pro-America rallies with Trump as the vote-eliciting snake oil salesman?  Do we need someone more measured and decidedly Christian like Mike Pence?  Or, a little less bland and more popular, such as Ron DeSantis, or “make my day”, Greg Abbott?

 We have over two years to wait to vote the doddering old idiot grandpa out of the presidency.  But we can start back to normalcy and common sense with the mid-terms in three months by a majority in both houses of congress.  Impeaching the inept old fool would not help.  Kamala has shown that she would be worse than Joe.  Impeaching Old Joe and Kamala with a republican house would most likely bring Kevin McCarthy to the presidency, but that is a pretty far cry.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 12, 2022

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