Monday, September 26, 2022

Cesspools of Crime and Homelessness


Cesspools of Crime and Homelessness

 Beginning in the 1950’s with Kennedy and continuing in the 1980’s with Reagan, and at least partly justified by new ant-psychotic wonder drugs, we emptied out and closed our “warehousing” mental institutions and released the inmates into society.  The idealists posited  that these mentally unstable people would take or be given these new psychoactive drugs and adjust into normal society,  Some did, but many did not, without the structure of an inpatient facility, and these gravitated toward homelessness or the prisons, where their criminal education progressed.

 Also, over the years, inimical foreign countries emptied their prisons into the U.S.  Egregious examples are the Mariel boatlift from Cuba in 1980, and Venezuela’s recent reported release of prisoners into the U.S.

 And then along come extreme left D.A.’s and prosecutors in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, and funded by the likes of George Soros, who practice no bail, catch and release, for even the most heinous crimes.  This completes the “perfect storm” that has blighted our urban scene with democrat party run, feces infested tent cities that have become focal points for the massive crime wave afflicting our country.

 The most notorious of these Soros backed “woke” city and state prosecutors are Alvin Bragg of New York City, Larry Krasner of Philadelphia, Kim Foxx of Chicago, Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, and George Gascon of Los Angeles.

 Oh, the siren song of “social justice” rings in the background.  The mentally ill should not be warehoused in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” conditions, and our black and brown brothers should not be disproportionally harassed, arrested and jailed, even if their crimes are disproportionate.  Hence, the mentally ill living on feces infested streets, and “no bail”, “catch and release” criminals preying repeatedly on law-abiding society.

  Some references on Mental Illness, Homelessness, Crime

 Ray Gruszecki
September 26, 2022

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