Friday, September 2, 2022

China Dirty Tricks


China Dirty Tricks

 If I were Machiavelli-Wu, an international planner deep in the bowels of Beijing Politburo’s Dirty Tricks Division, what could I do to bring China economically, materially and militarily equal to, or ahead of the West?  Secondarily, how could I ensure that modern China pays back the West for the humiliating defeats of the opium wars of the 19th century, the colonization of parts of China by the West, and the addiction of many ancestors in China to opium?

 All under the cloak of absolute secrecy, what if we weaponized a killer virus, ruthlessly controlled it within China, and ensured its release to the outside world?  That would allow China to sprint ahead of most of the rest of the world, particularly using our “Belt and Road Initiative” to acquire infrastructure throughout the world.

 As another effort, and remembering our addicted ancestors in the 19th century, suppose we develop a killer drug and export it to the world?  Illegal drug users would take it and die.  We can even make it look like candy for the western kids.

 Far fetched?  Maybe.  But anything is possible in this crazy world.

 A personal note.  While I was living South of Sidon, in Lebanon in 1966-67. Our refinery was next to the terminus of Trans Arabian Pipeline.  Saudi Arabian crude oil was being exported from this terminal on the Mediterranean to European refineries.

 Tug pilots were required to guide and berth the large oil tankers, and these tug pilots were sea captains who were old China hands.  They were mostly European of mixed nationalities who served as gunboat captains and crew in China during the Western occupation there in the early part of the 20th century.  What wonderful stories they told over beers after a round of golf at the proximate country club.  Of course, this was at a time in history when the European powers, (and the U.S.), effectively colonized parts of China for commercial purposes.

 Is China doing a little pay back?

 Ray Gruszecki/
September 2, 2022

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