Friday, September 2, 2022

MAGA Republicans


MAGA Republicans

 Has Joe Biden, the “great pretender” president and his handlers taken leave of their senses?  They have invented the term “MAGA republicans” as a “threat to democracy”.

 The unfortunate demonstrations of January 6, 2021 by Trump supporters against a corrupt election has been fictionalized by the extreme left and their media backers, into a seditious “insurrection” against the U.S.  Presumably, this is the basis for the “MAGA republican” epithet.

 Are these idiots not aware that MAGA stands for “Make America Great Again”, and that 74.2 million Americans were guided by this slogan and voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020?  The few demonstrators on January 6th may have been misguided, but they certainly do not warrant razor wire fences in Washington DC, a totalitarian style show trial, and the characterization of an opposition party as a “threat to democracy”.

 Stupid, teleprompter-reading Biden and his writers are alienating most republicans and many independents by their ridiculous attacks, presumably against right-wing extremists, while ignoring the left-wing extremists that caused as many as 30 deaths and over $2 billion in damages during the summer of 2020 riots.

 It is truly difficult to believe the inequities and atrocities being perpetrated on our country by Biden and the current crop of democrats.  They are destroying the country while arrogantly lying to our faces and patting themselves on the back for doing a great job.  Hopefully, our constitution will protect us in the long term, but echoes of dictatorial regimes like those of Maduro’s Venezuela, Lenin-Stalin-Trotsky’s Russia and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, sound in the background.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 2, 2022

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