Friday, February 24, 2023

Our Dangerous World – Thanks Biden


Our Dangerous World – Thanks Biden

 We seem to be on the cusp of an impending conflict with the People’s Republic of China.  They are expanding their military at an alarming rate, their “Belt and Road Initiative” is making huge economic gains in acquiring and dominating the infrastructure of weaker countries, and they make no pretense that their goal is to become the dominant power in the world.  They infringe on U.S. sovereignty by flying their spy balloons over our country, and feign indignation when we shoot one down after it traversed and spied on our nuclear and missile sites. The PRC rattle their sabers with impunity, and are on the verge of supplying material aid to Putin’s war effort in Ukraine.

 The weakness of the West, particularly the U.S., has never been as evident as during this current weak, “woke”, “politically correct” Euro-American environment.  A weak and senile, U.S. president has exacerbated the situation, and has prompted Russia’s Putin to attack Ukraine starting the first European war since WW2.  This also prompted Xi Jinping to greedily eye Taiwan across the Straits, and prompted Kim Jung Un to shoot rockets over Japan.  Many feel that none of this would have happened if we had a strong, resolute leader in the White House.

 Moreover, Putin’s exit from the nuclear START treaty, and his continuing posturing and threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, have the weak-kneed Biden and his sophomoric minions vacillating on types and timing of military aid to Ukraine.  Apparently, Biden is continuing his 50-plus year record of virtually always taking and acting on the wrong side of an issue.

 And much of our younger society, steeped scholastically in socialist, and even Marxist ideology, seems blithely ignorant of our weak foreign posture, instead being concerned with “woke”, LGBTQ+, “trans”, “social justice” and “political correctness” issues, rather than the strength and condition of our country in the world.

 Seeing the weak and vacillating Biden and his sophomoric handlers, Putin took his shot and invaded Ukraine.  Rather than a rapid two-week victory and absorption of Ukraine as “Little Russia”, Putin faced a determined independent Ukraine, with roots stretching back to militant Mongols, Scythians and Cossacks, and led by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a charismatic young leader.  The Ukrainians were independent, and did not consider themselves Russian in spite of their similar Cyrillic alphabet and confluence of some of their history and heritage.  Putin also faced determined substantial economic and military aid to Ukraine from Poland, the rest of the EU, and the U.S., although this latter was belated, with a lot of “dragging of feet”, for fear of the threat of the Russian nuclear bear.

 So, here we sit, in an increasingly unsafe world, primarily because the U.S. presidency was virtually handed to an incompetent, senile old hack, by a biased media/big tech cabal, who withheld and distorted news from the electorate just prior to the 2020 election.

 Oh, I hear the shouts of “conspiracy theories” from the dishonest left-wing.  And I hear the same about any efforts to expose the machinations of the Biden crime family, and the “Big Guy”, and how they made their corrupt millions.  Unfortunately, with hardly a republican majority in the house, and with a democrat majority in the senate, Joe the Big Guy, Jimmy the Chin, Hunter and the rest of the boys will most likely skate.

 Also, as an aside, whatever happened to John Durham’s vaunted Special Counsel investigation of Trump-Russia.  It seems to be foundering on its own procedural issues, and seems to be dying its own death, with very few brought to account.

 One cannot help thinking that if we had an honest system, and if the 2020 election was not stacked by a dishonest media and big tech in favor of the incompetent Biden, it would be a much safer world, even under the mercurial Donald Trump as U.S. president.

 Unfortunately, the recent dishonest actors will no doubt skate after some ineffective vocalizations in the house.  Future elections?  I have hope, but we seem to be on an unalterable path to becoming a banana republic.  We need good, honest, charismatic leaders, of which there seems to be a paucity,

 Ray Gruszecki
February 24, 2023

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