Saturday, February 25, 2023

Our Dishonest News

 Our Dishonest News

 This news item about where old shoes end up really illustrates the lack of veracity in our modern world.  Can we believe anything that we read or watch or hear from Mainstream Media, Big Industry or Big Tech these days?

 Well, the answer is, not indiscriminately!  The source of what we are consuming as news needs to be vetted, and some of the vetting entities are also slanted and dishonest.

 Forgetting my own tendency to be a bit on the libertarian and conservative side of issues, I strive for honesty and accuracy, and have gone out of my way to find it.

 I have found “Media Bias Fact Check” to be an honest and unbiased checker of news sources.  “” is also honest, but not quite as robust.  “Snopes” and “Politifact” lean as far left as many news sources that they purport to vet.

 One cannot enumerate all of the popular news sources.  That’s what “Media Bias Fact Check” is for.  

 Briefly, the Mainstream Media is left-wing, and pretty much parrots the views of the democrats.  Included in the Mainstream Media are ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, AP, Time Mag, Atlantic and many other well-worn news sources.

 Expressing a more conservative view are the Murdoch Group’s FOX, WSJ, and NY Post, and the National Review.  Breitbart, OAN and Newsmax are more conservative.  Reuters is a pretty much balanced news service.

 Having said all of that, one needs to distinguish between news and opinion.  We are not getting the news when watching Hannity on Fox or Maddow on MSNBC.  We are getting their strong opinions.

 The difference between the Mainstream and more conservative Media relates many times to what news is covered.  Examples are CNN and Fox coverage, (or lack thereof), of the Southern border crisis and of Hunter’s laptop.  The Mainstream Media obfuscates and distorts the news.  The more conservative media reports it honestly.  The conservative right may have opinions about the news, but they report it honestly and don’t try to hide it.

 Ray Gruszecki
February 25, 2023

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