Wednesday, February 8, 2023



 Human slavery has been in existence since our ancestors eschewed hunting/gathering for built-up groupings called cities.  Slaves originated from physical conquest on a mass scale, or from economic domination on a more personal level.  In any case, it resulted in one group of human beings owning another group of human beings as property.  Slavery is covered by Hammurabi of Babylon as early as 1800 BCE, and repeatedly in the bible.

 Slavery was never “nice” or pleasant for the slave because he or she was at the mercy of their owner or master, who was sometimes beneficent, and sometimes nasty and cruel.  Race was not a particular issue for slavery in ancient times.  Slaves were whoever were conquered or captured, or who owed money or goods. 

 Weaker societies or groups of people were obvious targets for stronger, more militaristic raiders.  One might speculate that indigenous North Americans might have formed the bulk of this hemisphere’s slaves if European diseases had not decimated them.

In the 15th century, the Portuguese started “slaving” indigenous black Africans who were captured and sold to the Portuguese by other stronger black African war lords. Since this was lucrative business for all, it burgeoned, and other militaristic/mercantile traders, like Britain, Spain, Holland and others. got into the act. The American colonies, with their fields of cotton, were prime targets for this slave trade.

 Back then, it was “follow the money”.  American “liberty for all” was fine, as long as you were male and Caucasian and “freeborn”.  Slavery was well established, even in the Christian bible.  Some Northern colonist’s appeals for emancipation fell on deaf ears, even amongst northern textile mills.

 Americans fought a civil war in which some 750,000 predominantly white Americans died to free nearly 4 million black American slaves.  Another century of civil strife ensued before a modicum of true equality of the races was attained in the United States.  There still continues to be racial unrest, primarily fueled by activists such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and such inflammatory propaganda as “The 1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory”, which the ultra-left “woke” movement is attempting to install in our schools.

 There is also a movement afoot to offer “reparations” to descendants of original African slaves, particularly in such left-leaning venues such as Gavin Newsome’s California.  Payments of nearly $250,000 are in the works by fiscally broke California to many of its black residents, most of whom are 4th or 5th generation descendants of original slaves.  IMHO, like much of current “woke” political correctness. this proposal is too stupid for meaningful comment. 

 Some References About Slavery


World slavery summary


Britannica review of historical slavery


African/American slavery – NYT “Woke” version


The 1619 Project and American Marxism


The American Black’s View of American Slavery

Ray Gruszecki
February 8, 2023

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