Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Biden versus Trump

 Biden versus Trump

 The reputable? Five Thirty-Eight poll shows Biden’s approval at less than 40%, and disapproval at close to 60%.  Yet Biden is consistently even with or ahead of Trump by 1-2% in national polls.

Real Clear Politics has similar results, with Biden always leading Trump by one or two points in general election polling

 The conclusion from this, if one is to believe these polls, is that both Biden and Trump are unpopular with the majority of voters, and that Trump is slightly more unpopular than Biden.

 Why is this? 

 The following is a summary of Pew Research demographic data during the 2020 election.  There is nothing in this data that directly answers the question.  The Pew study indicates that our country is trending younger and less white with time, but not with such alacrity so as to explain why the polls show such indifference to Biden’s ruinous administration, and such obvious hatred for Trump.

 Composition of the U.S. electorate during the 2020 election

69% White, 12% Black, 11% Hispanic, 8% Other

17% Age 18-29, 31% Age 30-49, 28% Age 50-64, 24% Over 50

32% HS or Less, 32% Some College, 21% Degree, 15% Post Grad

44% Protestant, 22% Catholic, 6% Other, 28% Unaffiliated

 Biden and his clueless, “woke” socialist administration have gone a long way toward ruining our country’s society, economy and morality.  So, Biden’s disfavor, in light of the country feeling the pinch with their pocketbooks, and in spite of a media that refuses to call him to task, is somewhat understandable.

 An explanation for Trump’s unpopularity is myriad.  There is his big mouth and narcissistic personality.  There is his refusal to cede the 2020 election and his opponents’ and the medias’ turning his opposition into what they call insurrection.  There are the criminal charges levied against him by his leftist enemies, and the refusal of the leftist legislators and the media to treat him fairly and cut him the same breaks that they freely give to recalcitrant democrats.

 It would seem that the absolutely horrendous results of the Biden administration for the past three years, compared particularly with Trump’s positive economic results prior the Covid pandemic would swing voter polls, at least, toward Trump.

 There are several other factors at play here.  Firstly, whether we care to admit it or not, our younger electorate, which comprises nearly half of our voters, have been indoctrinated by socialist principles in our schools.  Secondly, abortion, which was originally   unconstitutionally defined as a federal constitutional right was recently rescinded by SCOTUS, to the loud objections of some of the same younger voters.  And, thirdly, Trump has turned off many female voters, even conservative women, by his perceived misogyny, as expressed in the “Hollywood Access Tapes”, and in spite of his positive record concerning women in government. 

 With the continued enmity of once prestigious news media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, the broadcast channels and others, the above societal points have been weaponized against Trump to the point that no matter what good he did for the country during his term in office, it is overwhelmed by the media propaganda against him.

 I have watched Donald Trump for a long time.  I worked in New York City for 22 years, and quite frankly, was turned off by some of his younger antics there.  I started paying more attention to Trump when I saw the positive results for the country that his administration was achieving.  Yeah, he was still a loud-mouth, narcissistic showman, but he supported pride in America, $1.80 gasoline, energy independence, a real southern border, realistic race and gender relations, and on and on.

 So, will the 2024 election be Trump vs Biden?  What about Trump’s legal issues that have been weaponized by his leftist enemies?  Suppose that he is a “convicted” felon by election time?  What about Biden’s obvious frailty and senility, which is glossed over by our unfair media, but which increasingly cannot be hidden?  Is Kamala really his backup?  Gavin is in the wings.  Will he turn the country into a California style socialist “paradise”?  

 Trump is not new to adversity, having been steeped in the New York City real estate wars.  He won the presidency from Hilary with all the power of the left and most of the media massed against him in 2016.  Can he do it again in 2024, with leftist arrests and persecutions added to the mix?  I wouldn’t bet against him and his populist following.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 30, 2023        

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