Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Can Trump Win a Second Term?

 Can Trump Win a Second Term?

 I was beginning to ponder, no matter how unfair and biased the two-tier justice system in this country actually is, “Joe Six-pack” or “Sally Champagne”, who don’t get into the details of the legal actions against Trump, can’t fail to be aware that he has “criminal charges” against him, and agree with Andy McCarthy that “Trump Can’t Win”.  They will not vote for him, particularly if they are exposed at all to the preponderance of news media in this country that are propaganda arms of the democrat party, and that denounce Trump and all that he does.

 Trump brought a lot of this on himself with his narcissism and his big mouth.  But you don’t bring criminal charges against even a large target like Trump, for his thoughts and opinions.  That’s what Merrick Garland’s “kangaroo court” DOJ is trying to do.

 The American public are not First Amendment scholars, and also, they have short memory spans.  Forgotten are the positive aspects of Trump’s presidency: $1.80/gal gasoline, 2% inflation, relatively low crime rates, a real southern border, energy independence, etc.  What they remember is his big mouth, his “in your face” tweets, and his sporadic governance after Covid hit.  And, of course Biden took credit for Trump’s efforts to oversee the development of the Covid vaccines within nine months.

 As I’ve mentioned before, I worked for an international oil company with headquarters in Mid Town Manhattan for over 20 years.  I was never a big fan of the controversial, flamboyant Donald Trump back then.  I didn’t like his “Trump” signs all over my city.

 But I started listening to him after that escalator ride in 2015 because he was espousing the principles enumerated in the penultimate paragraph and many other conservative/libertarian thoughts.  I still condemn his big mouth, but I support him for what he accomplished as a “business leader” for this country during his 2017-2021 term, in spite of two frivolous impeachments by Nancy Pelosi’s leftists, the Russian collusion hoax, and continuing attempts by the left to bring him down.  And now, the corrupt Biden DOJ is charging Trump with “crimes” during an election season.  Shades of Stalin, Beria and the purges of the 1930’s.  The raid on Mar-a-Lago would make them proud.

 And, it continues.  Alvin Bragg’s persecution in New York about alleged payments to a porn star, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s indictments on handling of documents and this one on January 6, and a possible future action about a discussion of the election in Georgia, and on and on and on.

 Trump has proven to be resilient, and he still has the following of people like me, who simply cannot abide the unfairness of what the left is doing to Trump, while they continue to ruin our country’s values, heritage and history.  If he wins again, will he go into “payback mode” against his leftist enemies?  If he loses, is it time for the orange suit?

 Ray Gruszecki
August 2, 2023

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